
Water turtle question?

by Guest32083  |  earlier

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My turtle keeps chewing on his floating rock (kinda made out of a foam material). He doesn't eat it, just chews it off. Those suckers are about $35 a piece! How can I get him to stop??




  1. idk

  2. he is hungry!! They will eat anything in frustration its like having a temper.

    Are you feeding fish and leafy greeens..??  If you do he will stop. Get some guppies or minows or goldfish and some romaine , or butter lettuce.and toss in his tank. He needs to be active and being active is swimming after his meals. Drop 15 guppies or minows or 8 goldfish..

    Gauranteed he will stop.

  3. Maybe he's hungry.  Or try getting something for him that's meant to be chewed on.

  4. dont buy anymore if the turtles gonna eat em!

    just get him a... a chewy.

  5. Your turtle's 'beak' (mouth) is a sharp cutting tool he needs for survival.  So, like the owner of a good knife, he keeps the edge honed.  This is much like the gnawing mammals do which have on-going and growing teeth (like rabbits, rats, etc.).

    I'd guess he has no other option for 'chewing' in the tank.  Rocks are hard to grasp, but they will try, if that is all there is...

    IF his food items are not providing the needed trimming/wear with normal eating that he needs?  He will 'crib' on other items in his environment to maintain a healthy 'beak.'  He understands instinctually that if his mouth over-grows - he won't be able to eat.

    You might find the addition of a cuddle bone (for birds; cheap, and available at all pet stores) a nice addition to his tank, and a cure for him 'destroying the floating perch,' if you aren't already providing one, not to mention it provides needed calcium.

    Another source for stopping 'cribbing' is to provide food items tough enough to trim his mouth as nature intended, AS he eats, such as scaled fish, tough plant matter, etc.

    What are you feeding this turtle?  If he is of any size, and you are cutting up his food, and 'babying him,' you are accidentally doing him an injustice.  He needs to USE his mouth for gripping, as he tears off chunks small enough to swallow with his front claws.  As the plant fibers or fish scales move back and forth over his mouth - this trims the 'beak' and keeps it fit, as nature intended.

    I can only guess at his care, since you didn't post his age or diet, and surmise from there.

    You can contact me in email at for further options, or a good basic diet for your water turtle.  Type TURTLE HELP on the subject line.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  6. Its okay, its not bad for him, but instead of putting thee whole thing in there i would blend of break it into little square pieces. :)

  7. lol Turtles are crazy about foam!!! Anything they can chew that is SQUEESHY in their mouth, they love. So I'd suggest getting a new rock maybe? One that's not soft and foamy this time! lol And good luck with your turtle, sounds like you're taking good care of it. :]

  8. He won't stop, and you need to remove it before the turtle becomes impacted.

    I use rocks and driftwood for basking sites.

  9. buy a plastic plat form or something most people dont know is if u buy like a snake hideaway and put it in then thats good it will float and a half log is awsome cause u can  have it on the  bottom good luck
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