
Water with smb?

by Guest59833  |  earlier

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I have a pink skinned Paint. I am about to buy him gallop boots because he is ready to further his training. I mainly do training on our trails just because of how they are set up. We also ride through streams and rivers sometimes. I was wondering if it is okay to ride with boots on through the water. Will it rub him and cause sores. He is more apt to rubbing his hair off because of sensitive skin.




  1. it won't hurt him any if the boots get wet, my mare where SMB boots all the time and we ride through water, just make sure that they are completely dried before you put them on the next time so that there is no bacteria that could get on the skin and cause a fungual infection

  2. I wouldn't worry about them rubbing on his legs.

    I barrel race, and a lot of the time the arena will be mucky and wet, so her boots will be SOAKED with mud.

    so i keep them on her, and hose them down while they're on her legs.

    Also, if you plan to show your horse in a show that needs boots also (such as gaming) then you should buy another pair for the show ring only.

    Good luck!

  3. you probably would be ok, just as long as when your done you took the boots off and let them air dry.  however if your horse has sensitive skin then i would try polo wraps or see how he does with out leg boots or wraps.

  4. The moisture in the boots if left too long could cause bacteria to gather and cause problems with the horse's legs.  I'd have to say you shouldn't ride through water, then ride another 4 hours with them wet nor leave them on a long time after you're done.

    Have you checked out Pegasus airboots?  They are a better alternative to SMB boots in my opinion - they're easier to put on, they're perforated, so allow heat to dissipate, they're all around a more healthy boot.

    Many people think it's OK to put boots on a horse then leave them on all day.  It isn't, if the horse isn't working or doesn't need them, they shouldn't have them on.

    Likewise - think about how your legs would work if you always ran with support hose or supports of some kind - your legs would rely on those for support, they wouldn't grow stronger to support - the legs wouldn't grow the means to properly support themselves.

    Boots should only be used when execise is excessive - if just trail riding and not twisting or turning or putting excess stress on the legs, they are not needed - the horse's legs will not develop strength if they are always worn.

  5. It is fine to use boots in the water- and it is better to have a little hair loss than to have pulled tendons or other more serious injuries! Avoid  boots that have thick padding, fleece, or neoprene, like Sports Medicine Boots, because they soak up water and weigh a ton after. Davis Boots aer good in water, as are some of the MANY eventing boots out there, made for just that. We always wrap  a few rows of duct tape around our boots when we are doing watertraining, it keeps them from sliding (and thus less hair rubbing!)

  6. yeah, you should be fine using smb's through water. i use them and sometimes i walk in mud half- way up to Chrome's knee with no ill effects. they don't wiggle around at all. it shouldn't rub him if it fits him.
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