
Water4Gas is 100% Scam But is HHO Scam too?

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Hi guys, I recently visited this site:

Where the guy has no affiliate link or anything but says that although Water4Gas is scam, HHO is not.

I'm doing a Chemistry project and was wondering if HHO is a viable source of energy? Does it waste more energy than it uses?





  1. In the first place, are any of you who call water4gas a scam fix it in your car and see results? Obviously not! See many videos on youtube that are totally independent of water4gas, are all these guys bloody liers? Are hundreds of members using similar systems on scams? Are Nobel nominated Dr. Santilli's patented and trademarked MagneGas and Magnecules scams? I don't think so mate, there are things that you and I can't suppression of cheap energy from you know who. Check out this article and do some research before calling anything a scam, just because it feels too good to be true.

  2. They're all scams. Any idea that involves putting in energy to take that same energy back out is going to be a losing proposition. If you do it perfectly, you get out all the energy put in. How is that supposed to help you?

    Look at the system:

    1) You put water in.

    2) You put energy in.

    3) You get water out.

    4) You get energy out.

    It shouldn't take a genius to see that however much energy you put in is going to be, at best, how much energy you get out. Otherwise, you're just magically getting energy from nowhere.

    Be careful, some of the things they say are in fact true. For example, there are ways you can use electrolysis to slightly increase the fuel economy of a car. But this is just making the car a slightly more efficient gas burner and has no serious benefits. HHO, however, is a pure scam. There is no such thing except water, hydrogen, oxygen, and mixtures of those three things.

  3. HHO (which is basically Hydrogen gas with oxygen mixed in),

    Is not a source of energy. It merely stores energy to be burned.

    Water4gas company is not 100% scam, but it is a scam none-the-less. The truthful part is that HHO gas will combust in your engine and raise the octane of your gasoline as well as cause less gasoline to be needed/used to get the same mileage.

    We have a myspace page for our Green Science research organization and HHO is our choice topic right now. Give it a look if you want:

    It does take more energy to separate the molecular structure of H2O than is given back when the separated Hydrogen combusts. HOWEVER, as a hybrid in your automobile - your gasoline also contributes  to the combustion and provides the "extra energy" needed for the electrolysis.  Either way, many of us are doubling  -even tripling our gas mileage. So it does work.

  4. HHO is water.

  5. h2o is water, hho is the byproduct of electrolysis.

    the current spreading through the anode and the cathode separates the hydrogen(bubbles of the cathode) and oxygen (bubbles off the anode) and the result.

    the resulting gas (browns gas) is a very potent and unstable yet clean burning gas. this helps combustion to be more efficient in burning off the gasoline in the cylinder because it burns hotter and boosts the burn rate (or efficiency) of the gas and its byproduct (water) helps cool down cylinders from the hotter burning gas and exits the system like any other exhaust gas. once it passes the catalytic converter, it is no different than the exhaust from a normal burn that gets converted inside the cat.

    as for completely running a car on HHO, that would take some major reworking as most engines are not ready for just hho to burn, with all the byproducts like the possibility of rust forming on your pistons, you cannot add too much HHO to an engine.

    given the nature of HHO, it is very unstable to run as a combustable gas on its own, perhaps if there was a finer refinement process and better built engines, then maybe but it would take a large amount of energy to run a vehicle purely on it since it takes about 12v @ 20 amps to create one liter of HHO in a standard electrolysis generator using every day parts, unless you get the platinum rods, and the KOH for the electrolyte the output isnt all that staggering but when you add those things, it might become closer to useful. but even today, not very much of the commercial hydrogen is produced with electrolysis.

  6. No, HHO is not a scam.  This is what actually happens when you put one of these HHO conversion kits on your vehicle.  Rust isn't an issue.  The water that is used in the process is broken down into its basic elements (H2O means one hydrogen molecule and 2 oxygen molecules) so what you are left with is pure oxygen and hydrogen gas.  No water actually reaches the engine.  During combustion when the fuel is compressed and burned, the oxygen and hydrogen are also "burned".  After the combustion stage the gases that are left are pushed out of the exhaust.  Only when the molecules are cooled down out in the open atmosphere can they reform to create water.   In theory the life of the engine is actually extended by using hydrogen as it burns "cooler" than gasoline.

    A couple other things I want to let you know.  My brother's in-law put one of these conversion kits on his vehicle and instantly started getting results.  He recently took a road trip and averaged 89 miles per gallon!  I think that is pretty amazing!

    I have a family member that goes to WyoTech (an automotive school) and they built one of these conversion kits, and, it worked.  He is in the process of putting one on his vehicle right now.

    Hope this has helped.  If you want to read more about this go to http://alternativefuel4yourvehicle.blogs...

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