
Waterbirth in Ancient Egypt

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I'm trying to find evidence of waterbirth in Ancient Egypt. Anyone have any clues?




  1. nope

  2. I found only one reference to waterbirth in ancient Egypt, which is someone's interpretation of petroglyphs. That may or may not actually be what is represented, seeing as how they also claim that it was used in Minoan culture and THAT is just a broad guess. We just do not have enough information to conclude that it really took place. Some native cultures had ritual birth in salt water, perhaps that evolved into baths for birthing but the current surge in the technique originates in the 60's and 70's. Nor do the cultures that supposedly practiced it, do it today. Native Americans do not give birth in sweat lodges (if they ever did), Japanese women give birth in modern hospital facilities, for the most part.

  3. Nope!

  4. What is that?  I'm curious.

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