
Wath was the nem af yor first school?

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  1. The name of my first school was LIFE. I spent the first four years studying there before I was sent off to a brick building where I was instructed on what the state thought I should know.

  2. If I tell you do you promise to go there and learn spelling and grammar?

  3. Prairie State College. I'm going in for my second semester! :)

  4. Jordan school

  5. Rolling Valley

  6. Home.

  7. Well I did K for 5 weeks at O'Toole (I failed naps), but my first real school was Golgatha Lutheran

  8. I homeschool, but we do have a name for our school, it is Cedar Grove. My parents came up with it.

  9. "Lounge room"

    I'd pester Edie (my older siblings' govie) into 'playing school' with me, she'd oblige and I'd sit up at the table in our lounge room to do my 'lesson'.

  10. The Acorn School, and what are you a six year old... you sure spell like one...

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