
Wats a good age to get a tatoo and what should it be of ?

by  |  earlier

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im trying to make a statement but. . . . . a small statement im gettin it on my ankle what do u think it should be of???




  1. You should get a tattoo at any age, as long as you know it is something you can be okay living with for the rest of your life. It is a serious commitment and should not be taken lightly. Get something that is meaningful.

  2. if you have to ask you shouldn't get it

  3. haha i like that "small statement" you could get a peace sign or a NOBAMA tat

  4. Although you're legally an adult at 18 I think it's usually best to wait until your early 20's to decide on a tattoo.  Most people aren't the same person at 22 that they were at 18.  I think age isn't as big of a factor as maturity and decisiveness.  If you can't think of what statement you want to make, then asking others is a mistake.  Wait until something hits you that you completely fall in love with before getting a tattoo.

  5. Oy.....if you have to ask people what you should get a tattoo of, then you shouldn't be getting one at ANY age.......

  6. 17+ Maybe a nice rose

  7. You shouldn't even consider a tattoo if you don't know the answer to your latter question. If you're going to be branded with something for life,, it should come from your heart--not the ideas of a stranger.

    And a good age is 18,, when you are legally an adult and realize the possible repercussions

  8. If you have to ask "WHAT TATTOO?" then you shouldn't get one.  

  9. something that is meaningful to you.

  10. Legal Age

    Something you love, or respect,

    maybe just something that's

    special to you, just for fun. It's

    your canvas..go with what you feel.

  11. if you don't know what to get, perhaps you shouldn't get one

  12. A chinese character that you think means "hope" but really means "gonorrhea".

  13. Well you have to be or older then the age of consent in your area. Well my tattoos include one my wrist the words love always, kind of my motto. On on my ankle i am going to get a multicoloured peace symbol. You have to get something thats important to you

  14. speaking of making a statement...if you are getting script, make sure your artist uses spell check.

    I sincerely hope you wait  this out.  If you wanna make a statement, there are so many other ways to do this.

  15. "wats"




    you're too young

    I firmly believe that people should be AT LEAST 18

    and if you don't know what "it should be of"

    that's yet another reason why you should not be getting a tattoo

  16. I think it would be really great if you left your body as it was made....we have much advertising and other graphic things to see in our daily travels....leave your bod the way it was created. Have a great day!

  17. I think a good age is in your 20's when you have settled down more as far as who you really are. Get what you want and what you don't mind having on you for the rest of your life.

  18. You know, so many people have tats these days, you could make a significant statement by NOT having any tattoos. I have seen a number of tattoos that I could describe as "tasteful" but not one of them could I call "classy". That said, I think if you don't know what to get a tattoo of, you need to sit down and put some more mental effort into your statement.

  19. you shouldn't get a tattoo, it's up to you but you will really regret it when you are old and wrinkly and that tattoo is sagging

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