
Wats a really sad but non romantic movie?

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one that will make u cry... like, maybe someone dies or smth like that?




  1. The Green Mile

    Donnie Darko

  2. pursuit of happyness!!!!!!

  3. "Isn't She Great"



    "Terms of Endearment"

    "Go Toward the Light"


  4. schindlers list or the green mile

  5. Pi.

    Jacob's Ladder.

  6. Dead Man Walking....with Sean Penn

  7. 'The Cure'

    its not a very well known movie but its a really sweet story about the friendship of two boys. One of them has AIDS and when the other starts to befriend him they start on a mission over the summer of finding the cure for his AIDS.

    This movie made me and a friend cry and we both loved it.

  8. elephant man

  9. stuart little

  10. bridge to terabithia.

  11. Sixth Sense

  12. passion of the christ

  13. The Mist, My Girl,and Steel Magnolias.

  14. Beaches, with Bette Midler.

  15. If you want a good gut wrenching cry watch  8 Below Zero

  16. pursuit of happiness

  17. JAck with Robin Williams may be it

  18. You want to cry? Try Ladri di Biciclette (Byclicle Thieves)! The saddest movie ever!

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