
Wats good for not getting a hangover?????

by  |  earlier

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i like to drink when i go clubbing and stuff but i hate waking up the next morning feeling like sh*t wat could i do prevent that cuz some ppl wake up feeling good.




  1. I have never in my life had a hangover.  I have been falling down, don't know my own name, no idea how I got home, who are you in my bed drunk, but I have never had a hangover.  What's it like?

    Best hangover cure I ever heard someone else use, drink only club soda or ginger ale.  You might try the energy shots that are high in B vitamins.  Bite the dog that bit you.  I don't really know personally having never had a hangover.  Sorry.

  2. I always take an aspirin with a glass of water before I toss myself in bed, however I did hear from a doctor that it may be not be entirely healthy. It really works like a charm though...

  3. Don't drink alcohol

  4. Stay with one kind of drink and if you can't do that and you are  having a hangover ,trink some orange juice when you wake up .If you have a hangover is because your body is dehydrated.Trink lots of orangejuice.

  5. If you don't drink too much, you won't have a hangover.

    If you can't go to a club without drinking so much that you wake up sick the next day, then you have a problem with alcohol.

    The best way to avoid a hangover is to drink 2 glasses of water for every 1 alcoholic drink.  Don't drink more than 1 drink per hour.  Sip slowly, don't do shots or chug beers.  

    Before you go to bed, drink a 12 ounce glass of water and take 2 aspirin.  When you wake up a few hours later to urinate, drink another 12 ounce glass of water.

    Most of a the symptoms of a hangover are due to dehydration.

  6. OMFG if you have spent any time at all in the alcohol section of yahoo answers then you would know that this question has been asked a million f--king times!!!!!!!!!

  7. Do not over's that simple, and hard to do when you want to have fun.

  8. actually i am waking up super energetic...just don't drink "hard stuff" as vodka and whiskey(holy...what did i say?!) that's the freaking truth!!!!:X

  9. Sobriety


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