
Wats rome like in june?

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wats the weather like in rome during june and how hot can it get




  1. Hot. Very, very hot. But it isn't to the point that it is during Farragosta (an Italian Festival period), when all the Italians leave the city to go to the beach and get out of the heat. I've only been to Rome in June, and I love it. It's a beautiful place to be no matter what time of year. It can get up to the 90s F. I hope this helps!

  2. =)

  3. It's quite pleasant, just don't go there in July, it's blazing hot. I would say it can get uo to the mid 80's in June there.

  4. It is VERY hot....and especially when you are on a bus that is so crowded you are pushed up against the door. Be sure to keep water with you at all times (you can always re-fill your bottle) so you don't get over-heated.....But don't worry, you can put up with the weather pretty easily because what you are going to see is soo fantastic! Its a very beautiful country so try to soak it all in, especially if this is a once in a life time chance for you. Good luck!

  5. We are stationed inNaples and often go to Rome, and we visited in June of this year, and last year, and it wasn't that bad. It was hot, but it wasn't unbearable.

    Personally, I like visiting Rome in the fall. There is just something about it that I love that time of year. It's a beautiful city whenever you go, and you leave with amazing memories.

  6. hot n sticky.

  7. It was beautiful this past June but got warm in the afternoon.  And remember it gets very crowded too!

  8. I weny to Rome twice in the end of May and mid June.  It's really touristy in June and so much hotter. Generally Italian weather isn't supposed to be that bad, but this past summer all of Europe has a horrendous heatwave.  When I was there it was in the 80s F and above, but the nights are really cool, like 50s F.  Go earlier if you can.  If you can't you should be fine.  It gets ten times worse in August with other tourists.

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