
Wats the best cardio for hockey that u can do without to much equipment?

by  |  earlier

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i have a treamill and a stationary bike...wat are some excersices to increase speed but don't lose to much calories because i also do weight training and i'm bulking up and dun wanna burn muscle




  1. jog, sprint, do stairs, keep weight lifting and if your are will to spend some money get a parachute and jog/sprint/ skate with

  2. doing sprints is better than long distance running bc of all the stops and starts you have on the ice. Besides sprints, the usual sit ups and pushups are good. Slide boards are amazing, although that is a piece of equipment.

    Sprinting is the best cardio you can do for works the heart, the lungs and the leg muscles. If you only run long distance you will hae the stamina to skate for a long time, but your short distance will nto go far

  3. Run. And you need that stationary bike to get rid of the lactic acid.

  4. I would sprint, go for runs, use the stationary bike, and life weights and all that stuff. I would also try to eat more calories in a day if you are worried about that stuff. Long runs will really help your stamina, and get your legs in shape, as well as your cardio. Also, biking really helps your cardio, it is one of the best things you can do.

  5. Ladders. Or Herbies, if you've seen MIracle and/or have a coach that happens to be from the late70s early 80s and remembers that. On parking lots, just use the lines for the spaces as the lines on the ice and run ladders that way.

  6. i do alot of off-ice training for hockey so i have some experience.

    i would say do ALOT of sit-ups also climbing up stairs and running hills, doing sprints, like for example run of 30 seconds walk for 45 seconds and so on). sprints help you control your breathing and help you start and go like in hockey when ur changing on the fly. lastly having a stationary bike is great because riding your bike builds muscle in your leg, and builds your endurance so you can stay on the ice longer also you can do it while you watch tv or something.all of these exercises help you biuld a strong core which will help you skate faster.

    i hope that helps :)

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