
Wats the best way or method to pick up a savanna monitor?

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mines a juvenil i believe, hes about a lil over 12" long from head to tail. not that agresive but he does hiss pretty often. i assumed that was normal for a young savanna.




  1. with gloves around the stomach, try and do it slow and carefully otherwise he might get agitated and bite!

  2. never "grab" a monitor. monitors are not bearded dragons. monitor WILL remember a bad experienced. monitors are more like crocs than lizards . they are very smart and DO NOT LIKE PEOPLE. if you wanna handle your monitor you have to build its trust in you up. start with food. i learned this trick from Frank Retes owner of the "Goanna Ranch" . this man is the Jane Goodall of monitors. first always place the monitors food in one corner of the enclosure until it learns were food is presented. then get it to eat from your hands/tongs. then up your shoulder. and then out side its enclosure. by using a reward system you get a monitor that WANTS to interact with you. not a monitor that hates you for ever, for just "grabbing it " when ever you want. you have to understand , to keep monitors successfully everything has to always be on their terms not ours. remember keeping monitors is different than keeping other lizards. monitors are the pros at what they need  so listen to them and not to people. when your monitor speaks  ,like when it huffs or puffs cause your trying to pick it up its saying " leave me the h**l alone!" or if it keeps basking all the time ,its saying" its not hot enough give me more heat!"( very important!!! 130f basking spot MINIMUM!!!!!) or when they keep scratching at the bottom of their enclosure, they are saying " i need more to dig in!( very important!!!!!!!!! 2 foot MINIMUM depth) listen, they really are teaching you how to care for them. monitor =teacher   human=student

    e-mail me for more info on anything monitor related.

  3. By the tail.

  4. I would try to grab behind the head on the neck so he can't reach around and grab you with his mouth. The other hand supports the rest of the body weight.

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