
Wats the best way to get rid of chest hair wax or shave or is the better ways ?

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Wats the best way to get rid of chest hair wax or shave or is the better ways ?




  1. Waxing is the best way. Just shaving it off leaves stubble, but if you wax it off its gone for a pretty long time.

  2. Fire. It's reaffirms my masculinity.

  3. Burn it off.

  4. Wax it !

    And go for the gusto while you're at it; boyzilians rock !

  5. i just let mine grow. i don,t want to look like a little boy.

  6. if you wax, the hair grows back thinner and slower than shaving...don't try Nair...the hair comes back like sand paper  

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