
Wats the best way to teach my parrot to talk?

by  |  earlier

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it cant learn 1 word :(




  1. Both of these answers are excellent. But do keep your parrot, new or not new, in the room in the house in which you spend most of your time, especially if you are trying to teach it to talk. It will be most comfortable (and easier to teach) in the room in which you are most comfortable. However, I do not recommend the kitchen for several reasons. People are usually preoccupied while in there, not able to pay enough attention to the bird. There are dangerous airborne pollutants, such as smoke from cooking and aerosols, among others. You can send pollutants into the air by simply scrubbing down a counter or using a dishwasher. If your bird is free to roam about in the kitchen, there are all kinds of poisons it can get into, especially if you're not paying as much attention as you should... I allow my bird to accompany me into the kitchen upon occasion, he has a window perch there, too. You must keep your eye upon him at all times when he is in there unless he is caged. Let him visit the kitchen, but don't keep him there.

  2. Nothing defined a cheerful, pleasant home in my youth more than the family parrot announcing an arrival with a loud expressive hello! If you have your heart set on having a talking parrot there are some important factors to take into account before you buy a bird. The smaller species of parrots do not always learn to talk and when they do talk their speech may be more difficult to understand. If you do buy a small bird, the best talking budgies and cockatiels are those that are constantly babbling and chirping at the pet shop. The king of all talkers is the red tailed, African Gray parrot. Of the New World amazons parrots, Yellow Napes, Blue Fronts and Double Yellowheads are the best talkers but only when they are exposed to words at a young age. Under no circumstances should you pick a fearful shy bird. If at all possible, select a bird that is still being hand fed. Just because a parrot can say a few words when you get it does not mean it will necessarily learn more words. The best place to keep a new parrot is in the kitchen area. Interaction with humans is the key to training parrots to talk. Parrots learn to talk through one on one relationship with their owners. Parrots that are subsisting on a diet rich in sunflower or safflower seeds are always duller and less aware of their surroundings than birds fed pelleted diets. If you have obtained a baby parrot just out of the nest, talking will come a lot easier. Amazon parrots learn to talk during the time they would normally learn their wild calls. If you pick an older bird that is fearful of humans please realize that teaching it to talk will be difficult if not impossible. By and large, male parrots are better talkers than females. Parrots are most vocal in the morning and evenings. Positive reinforcement techniques really help.Turn off the TV and radio and stop any activities that may be a distraction. Birds learn to talk more rapidly when they can associate a word with an action or an object. When teaching a bird to name objects pick objects that are small and colorful. Parrots learn to talk better from high-pitched feminine voices of women and children. I try not to teach my birds to whistle until they have a rather large vocabulary of words. I have never used a tape recording to teach my parrots to talk. The first words that your parrot learns will be the hardest ones. When the bird c***s it head to be scratched say Wana scratch or It feels great. The first indication that a parrot is trying to say a word is a soft mumble.

  3. THE best way is by having 5 to 20 min. sesions with it atleast twice a day hour long sessions get him bored and then it wont want to learn other than that you can just leave the radio or tv on

    parrots are very social an dtend to mimic what you say in your home so if your always saying shhh be quiet it will mimic it

    so be carfull what you say arond your parrot

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