
Wats up...only girls plase...i want advice..?

by  |  earlier

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i want to impress a girl...(shes's not my girlfriend...she so beutiful soooo anyway...i'll never end if i star decribing her..)but I want her to be..tell me girls,what would you like to be impressed with by a guy...




  1. I'm gonna go ahead and go with the shallow answer, of course be yourself and be cute and all that but I especially notice a guy when he has a good style and a good scent. so go shopping and buy a nice smelling cologne, itll turn jah gurl ON.

  2. Just do the cliched stuff like the person above me said. Bring her a single rose or something (only do this if you've known her for a while, a couple of months at least.) Flattery also works but only if you mean it ("you're so cute", etc). And you should do stuff with her that is fun and funny. See a funny movie, eat pizza at the beach, that sort of thing. Also writing letters to each other or leaving little hand written messages can also work. Since people tend to be more truthful and open about things when you can't see them, and when they have time to think about what they are going to say things come out more accurately and the way they mean them to sound. Like the internet! But only do that if you can spell and have normal grammar skills, otherwise she'll just be distracted by how badly you write.

  3. be urself..if she doesnt like u 4 u then wats the point of bein wit her?

  4. actually... cliche stuff, as bad as that sounds, its aways soo sweet. and if you compliment her call her beautiful not just pretty or hot, that makes a girl really happy

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