
Wats up with giving highschool graduates money???

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i just graduated n didnt get a single penny. i just saw a question about a lady asking how much she should give her coworkers son for his graduation! i see a lot of questions like that here. how come nobody gave me money?




  1. Because I don't feel the need to reward people for something they should do.  I'm not about to give you money for that, or getting your license or something.  It was wasn't hard, and it's not an accomplishment.

  2. Expect money when you graduate college.  Graduating high school should be like learning to wipe your butt.  Anyone can do it.  It's not hard.

  3. I cant answer your specific question on why you didnt get money because thats personal but people usually get money when going off to college because it is expensive.  It is just a nice gesture to give a graduate money especially because they will need it for tuition and books n stuff

  4. Did your parents have a graduation party for you? This is a typical thing, the parents throw a party for the graduate and the invited people bring gifts to help that person into their adult and into their career life. Trying to give them a little help to get started in life so to speak. Just the same as when people have help the new couple get started on their lives together, to help the parents of a new baby to help provide things and get a good start.

  5. I always give my neices, nephews, and friend's kids money for graduation (or a gift card.)  It is to congratulate them on finishing high-school and help them out with clothes or books or things for college or really anything they want.  They deserve it for working hard and achieving their goals.  I don't know why you didn't get any money. Have you shown yourself to be responsible and kind over the last few years?  Maybe your family and their friends don't have any extra $$?  I don't know but good luck to you and Congratulations on your graduation.

  6. It's a custom in the US--maybe because we're never sure that graduate will ever graduate from anything else in the future.  And it seems to me that most of the people giving money to graduates are relatives of that grad.  Kids today already have so many possessions that you just don't know what they need or want anymore, and with money (or a gift card) they can get what they want.  Or save it to use in college.

    And don't feel too bad.  My niece just graduated and had put all her gifts (including cards with money) in her car, drove to her boyfriend's house, and her car was broken into and all her stuff taken so she not only lost all of her gifts but didn't have time to mark down everyone who gave her something so she can't be sure she's thanked everyone.  Plus she has to pay for putting glass back in her car since the insurance company can't be bothered.

  7. Perhaps nobody likes you... Or your friends and relations are cheap, could be your folks to the cards with the money and are spending on lavish trips abroad... Or try this one on for size.

    Why not ask the folks why you did not get a dime?

    I dont think you will like the answer

  8. Customs are different in different cultures, in different parts of the country and in different families. In some families, it is a HUGE event to have someone graduate from high school. In others, it's only an expected step on the way through university, just as kindergarten is a preliminary step to public school. Don't fret about it. Now that you have graduated, you can set your life course so you can end up in a well-paid profession and never have to worry about people giving you money.

    By the way, congratulations on graduating! It may not be the end of the line for you, but it's still a significant plateau.

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