
Wats wrong with my digital camara?(10 points for best answer)?

by Guest67179  |  earlier

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when i take a picture it makes red lines and sometime it even turns all black and when i do video it works sometimes and then it turns black please help 10 points for best answer




  1. Clean battery and camera contacts as described in the source link.

    GREAT HINTS   Most cameras will reset or restore if batteries are removed for at least one minute.  Insert batteries again and restart the camera.  Remove extra memory to eliminate this as a possible camera problem.  If all else fails, read and follow all camera instructions.

  2. That's a memory problem and, unless it's a $5000 commercial grade camera... toss it in the trash and buy a new one

  3. Try another memory card.

  4. It is NOT a memory problem.

    Memory is always checked before writing to it.

    Is it a SONY or a camera with a sony chip.

    SONY has yet again sunk to a new low by using cheaper glue in their ccds and underestimated the US courts.

    They, and other manufacturers offered to replace all cameras with this problem as a settlement, even out of warranty for free.

    My NZ90 did this and had to call 3 times to get them to send me a box to ship it to them and it was 3 YEARS out of warranty.

    This was a big snafu....i guess sony did a good job in pr management.

    I will never buy a sony product ever again..

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