
Wats your evening tipple Tea or Coffee ?

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Wats your evening tipple Tea or Coffee ?




  1. Decaf coffee...sometimes with baileys in there!


  3. espresso

  4. Mint Herbal Tea, with a junior mint dropped in.  sounds gross, but sooooo good.

  5. Tea thank you!

  6. Cant beat a good old english cuppa tea with some digestive biccies to dip in!!!


  7. Tea (and biscuits!)

  8. if i drank tea and coffee a lot probably tea, since coffee has a lot of caffine in it.

    but i ususally go with waterrr :)

    or flavored waters.  

  9. Coffee

  10. Green Tea

  11. Just water for me...

  12. Gotta be caffeine- and acid-free, especially in the evenings.

    Tea - preferably strong camomile, with sugar and a drop of milk.

  13. sweet tea!the real southern treat!  its not as caffeinated as coffee and won't keep me up! (oh and for u yankees sweet tea is tea that once u get done brewing it u put sugar in it b4 it cools down!)

  14. Tea white with two sugars.

  15. Tea.

    In fact it's my favourite at any time of day, any time of year.

    As Mrs Doyle put it ' ahh, go on, go on, go on go on go on (etc etc).

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