
Wats your views on highschool dropouts?

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Just curious,I don't mind today's world I don't blame some ppl for dropping out.




  1. I am one as well. I had to in order to have a place to stay (long story, alcoholic father........)

    Now I'm in college with a 3.15 GPA and am more than halfway to my degree. Being a drop-out doesn't necessarily dictate what kind of person you are.

  2. i'm a high school drop out, so obviously i don't have a problem with them. i'm not lazy or stupid, i dropped out for personal reasons. it really bothers me when people assume things and think they know who i am based on the fact that i dropped out. anyway, i got my ged and scored high on my sats. i'm going to the college i would have gone to if i graduated. we aren't all wastes of space.

  3. I am one of those "high school drop outs" I left so I could start a plumbing apprenticeship. It will help me a lot more in life than staying in school, failing and not understanding my subjects.

  4. I sometimes envy them..because they now work full time while I'm still at school. That means they get to drive a nice car while I'm still stuck with the freakin bus :(

  5. I dropped out at 16 to get a job, buy a car, etc......I got really lucky found a fantastic paying job when I turned 19 and worked there for 15 years......then oops...they closed down!!!! Now I am a high school drop out with no JOB!   So at 32 I went back got my GED went to college got my degree and I now have a wonderful job that I love...and great money......Point is just think about what kind of job can you get with no education?

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