
Waving a n**i flag protected by first amendment

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if someone puts a huge n**i symbol on his SUV or whatever, he should be protected by the constitution right? that means no police officer or anybody else should interfere with that right. but nowadays, if u put a n**i symbol up, you will either be arrested by cops or get rocks thrown at your vehicle, or maybe even attacked by violent people. whatever happened to our freedom? we have the right to free speech, even if it is offensive speech, correct?




  1. Freedom of Speech comes with a price, which would be people throwing rocks at your car.

    You wouldn't get arrested for it.

    If you're attacked, you deserve it, although they would LEGALLY be at fault.

  2. The First Amendment isn't necessary to protect non-controversial speech.  Its purpose is to protect unpopular and, as in the case of n***s, even vile speech.  Here's a quote from the judge in the Skokie case, in which the town's ordinance against n**i parades was found to be unconstitutional: "The ability of American society to tolerate the advocacy of even hateful doctrines ... is perhaps the best protection we have against the establishment of any n**i-type regime in this country."

    As others have noted, however, those who want to express their disgust with n**i speech and display of n**i symbols also have free speech rights--although not the right to destroy others' property.

  3. Back in the 60 and 70s people waved the North Vietnamese and Viet cong flag as an expression of  free speech. If one can wave those then the n**i flag or symbol is no different. I don't condone or support either political idea, but its covered under the 1st amendment.

  4. You have the right to freedom of speech,. That means that the government cannot prohibit you from making unpopular speech.

    If police are arresting you because you wave a flag they are in violation of the law.

    Freedom of speech does not mean that you have the right to avoid a negative reaction from other

  5. Hate speech is idiotic & vile, but it is protected by the First Amendment. If somebody puts up a n**i flag, s/he should be ostracized in the larger community, but that does not mean the community can throw rocks at the person. The answer to bad speech is good speech.

  6. I am very grateful for those who so publically hang that shows me I should have nothing to do with such scum and someone for me to put into my prayers asking for bad things to happen to them.

    Legally yes it is a protected right, and police pulling someone who did that over would be in violation UNLESS there were another reason..such as erratic driving, etc.  

    As for people throwing rocks yes that would technically be assault and illegal.

  7. And in germany you get 6 month prison for the flag and the salute too.

    and 6 month prison for carrying a hand gun.

    But then why do u want to carry such a flag from WWII ??

  8. As long as they do not incite violence it should be legal. The first amendment was designed to protect unpopular opinions even in the case where an overwhelming majority disagrees with that opinion.

  9. If I see a big n**i flag on some ones truck S.U.V or car ! I'll throw rocks beer bottles,and if I have a gun I'd shoot at them . Because that War was over done with,they got their @ss kicked and you need your @ss kicked for trying to bring hate where ever you are ? Do have any ideal what that n**i flag stood for ? I would guess if you want to display that on your car truck or what ever you best be one bad @ss to back what that n**i flag stands for ! My girl friend is Jewish,and if an n**i b*****d wanted to try and hurt her in anyway ,That would be one less n**i @ss wipe to deal with.If you like that n**i flag why not take your @ss to Germany ?

  10. Just the government can't censor you as long as you are not disturbing the peace.

    But other people also have the right of freedom of speech. That doesn't give them the right to be violent but they can tell you that you are an a**hole.

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