Hi. I just bought some Wax Begonias a little over a week ago. When I bought them, they were a beautiful and full, really full. The flowers were overall at their greatest it seemed, and the leaves were to say the least green. Now that I've brought them home, hung them on the patio, they aren't as lush and pretty. I put MiracleGro in them once a week, watered every other day. I checked the soil and it's certainly moist. We reside in Chicago. Right now, it's humid and hot (85 degrees) for the most part. I don't know what the problem is. Any suggestions for the Begonias? They aren't dead, they just don't look as full and beautiful. The colorful foliage (don't know the name, just saw the plant and my husband bought it)...well, they are just green leaves with fuschia tops on them. Green on the outside and fuschia in the middle. They are certainly drooping. I'm thinking that I should bring that plant in. Help, I don't want to lose my babies!!