
Wax has dyed the base of my skis?

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The bases of my skis have turned pink in some areas from using red wax. It seems permanent, I have scraped them and brushed them, but it doesnt come off. I have waxed other colors since then, but the pink is still there. Is this OK? did i do something wrong when i waxed them? Will it affect the skis performance at all?




  1. No big deal. I used some Swix base prep for long term storage cover wax on white base and now they are pink base. The dye will not affect the wax (does show it is going into the base well though!). Most bases are darker so it does not show.


  2. It shouldnt affect the performance at all, from what it sounds you have waxed your skis a lot and the more you wax your skis the right way, the faster they will be.  run your fingers over the pink spots and if it is not smoothe, then you might have to scrape them more but i think that the pink you are seing are just spots on your skis that have set up with more wax and filled in the base more.  as long as the skis continue to go down hill with barly any effort, you should be fine

    Happy New Year!

  3. Is there a chance the pink wax is a harder wax that melts at a higher temp and you don't have the iron set high enough to melt it?

    Try boosting the temp on the iron. Do it don't want to melt your bases...but that's pretty hard to do. See if you can get the pink wax off.

    To be honest...if it is not harming the performance, then I'd leave it alone. It may be acting like P-Tex and staying in the smaller scratches and dings.

    If you really need to get it out there is one old stand-by method to melt the wax....Get a Wagner Power Paint Stripper and VERY carefully heat up the bases until the wax melts. We're taliking heat at a couple hundred be careful! (I've actually used a Wagner stripper to heat a metal trowel and have used the trowel as a ski worked and was a lot less messy than the ski iron....not to mention it saved a boat load of time.)

  4. The color of the wax should not damage the skiis. The colors are added to ski wax so different temperature ranges and snow conditions can be put in the same container and then used at the right time.

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