
Wax on braces?

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I just got braces 3 days ago. They're starting to feel better, but I do have a problem. They keep making horrible sores and scrapes in my mouth. I went to my orthodontist yesterday and she told me that I need to keep the wax off because I need to get used to the hooks and everything being there. I am used to it, but my mouth hurts SO bad. My tongue is scraped up from the chain I have on the inner right side top of my mouth and the back hooks are killing my cheeks. They are making indents on my cheeks. Also the top ones where my rubber bands go when I get bottoms braces on in 6 weeks are killing the top of my mouth.

Is it really ok if i just keep wearing the wax? It seriously hurts, horribly. If anyone can think of anything else to help my "suffering" lol, please let me know! Thank you so much.




  1. That's weird my orthodontist wanted me to use the wax. (If you sneak it sometimes she'll never know).

    But tissues sound good and Orajel. This works wonders. But don't get it directly in your sores. But around it will soothe the pain until they heal on their own! Good luck and I'm sorry it's so bad. :(

  2. no.ive had my braces for like 4 months now and i lost all of my wax and my mouth KILLS!!you'll never be able to get use to it.

    dont listen to her.

    shes stupid and just wants you to be in PAIN!!!!

  3. Need to get used to the hooks?

    Well I think rinsing your mouth with salt water should help heal the sores. In the meantime you could stuff tissues in your mouth (if you're allowed to, unless that would be the same as using wax), seriously, I did that when I got my braces xD

    It was actually quite effective.

  4. I suggest you listen to your orthodontist and keep away from the wax. even though it hurts you have to let your mouth get used to all of the new gadgets,

    i just recently got braces too, and the same thing happend to me, you need to rinse with salt water at LEAST once a day, for a while, and you may want to try a numbing ointment(for tooth aches) i know yours isn't a tooth ache, but it really  helps stop all of the pain , you can buy it at like your local supermarket, it helps so that the pain is releaved, i dont know the name of this solution, but i is very cheap and like i said you can find it at your local supermarket

    good luck, and i hope everything starts to feel better soon
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