
Waxing.. down there.?

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Im thinking about getting waxed down there.

What is it called to get it all waxed, and how much does it hurt?

And also, does the hair have to be a certain length?

im sick of shaving. just starts growing back 2 days later anyway!




  1. I wax every few months with a cheeky shave between to keep things..tidy.

    I did it myself the first time seriously it was BAD.

    But after a few strips I kind of went into a pain trance but I would say it was a million times worse because you are too scared to just pull because you know how made the pain is.

    Profesh isn't quite as bad pain wise but everyones different, my sister doesn't think it hurts that much, but she gets like a rash for a day after and I dont so.. ?

  2. Here are the different types of waxes:

    1 - The Bikini Wax - hair is removed from outside the panty line.

    2 - The Brazilian Bikini - leaves a vertical strip in front (landing strip), two to three fingers in width just above the vaginal area. Hair is not removed from the labia. Hair is removed from the tush. Hair may be removed from the buttock or peri-anal area.

    3 - The Playboy Bikini Wax - all hair is removed from the labia, all hair is removed from the tush, including the peri-anal area, and only a very narrow strip is left in the front. Named after playboy magazine because that's what you see on the models of playboy.

    4 - The Sphinx (or the Full Bikini Wax) - It's all taken off. Everywhere. Everything. Bald.

    YES - it does hurt like a SOB!! You will swear that she has pulled off something that you still need! The hair needs to be no shorter than 1/4" and the results are awesome! Even after all the crying and swearing - you will want to have it done over and over. The first time is the worst.

    NOTE: Find a waxer that you are comfortable with and that will make the environment soothing because you will be showing that person EVERYTHING!

  3. I have this done once every three-four weeks at my beauty salon. It barely hurts any more but the first few times are going to be hard, especially if you have been shaving. Its so worth it though. Length doesn't matter, but it won't come out if it's too short and hurt too much if it's way too long, so in that case trim it a bit before going to the salon. I would not recommend attempting this on your own. It's called the brazilian bikini wax when you leave a strip of hair  (I prefer it like that) or if you want to leave nothing ask for a complete bikini wax.  

  4. Its called a brazilian wax and I hear it hurts a lot plus it is very expensive about a 100$. You need to have your hair be 1/4 an inch I believe before you can go in. So about a week or two of letting it grow out. Find a salon near your house and call for more details. Good luck

  5. When you go to the salon you ask fora full bikini wax and full leg or half leg if you already get that done.

    It has to be about half a centimeter to a centimeter long.

    As the wax attaches itself to the hairs and then pulls them out from the roots, leaving you hair free from 4-6 weeks, dont wear tight jeans or pants when you go as because it will be your first time it will hurt. so if you were to wear tight jeans or pants it will irritate it more when you get home have a warm shower but don't have a hot shower as this will affect your folice's that's where the hair grows.

    hope this helps!!

    This is a beauticans adive and personal advice and for better results you are better having some hair growth than none what so ever.

  6. It's called bikini wax.

    Yes it hurts!! The hair doesn't have to be any length.

    Watch this for more info.

  7. If you want it ALL gone, ask for an Egyptian...It works better if you have a little growth for the wax to grab onto...It does hurt, more the first time than afterwards, but it's worth it!!

    EDIT - The Brazilian leaves a little hair...A 'landing strip' if you will...At least at my salon, it does...Depends on your personal preference.

  8. To get EVERYTHING waxed off it's called a Brazilian wax, and it hurts A LOT!  But it's worth it, lasting about 4 weeks.  Let your hair grow for about a week before you go.  Good luck!

  9. NEWSFLASH !..... You're supposed to have hair on your v***a honey..
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