
Waxing question....?

by Guest56487  |  earlier

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I just got my eyebrows waxed and I don't know if it's normal but I've broken out in some places around where she waxed. I've been waxed before but I've never had pimples there... is this normal? Did she do it wrong?




  1. No it's normal. That happened to me once before they'll go away soon it might just be your skins reaction to the wax

  2. It wouldn't be pimples, it would be ingrown hairs, which look the same. All you need to do is exfoliate. It couldve been from anything. Sometimes I get those for no reason.

  3. Sometimes you get little bumps around the area but something must have gone wrong if you broke out in pimples.

  4. it's normal it happens everytime i get my eyebrows done. but no worries it will go away. theres this stuff that i put on my eyebrows after i get them done it's called azulene finishing oil. it's from sally hansen. it helps with the soarness and the redness and it will help with your problem to. also try icing it for 2 min. it should help with swelling and redness. after that just don't mess with them b/c if you mess with them any more you will irritate them and they will get worse. and go with out any makeup near there for the rest of the day.

    hope i helped. :)

  5. maybe its cuz the waxer person got oil and bacteria from her fingers on your skin so you got zits there.  

  6. Very normal, I believe.  

  7. it is VERY VERY normal.

  8. I've had this problem before, try a little neosporin, and give it a day or so and you should be fine.

  9. its normal it will go away in a few hours
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