
Way to get older please?

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please don't think of this as a joke..i want to know if there is truly a way to get older fast...........i want to be 17 but im 12 please i need to know....if theres anything i could do.....anything please and thank you




  1. Uhmmm I actually found question that quite amusing my good sir mmyes.

    As for my answer, I would highly recommend a professionaly trained theripist to consult your diffikvlties.

  2. ask your therapist

  3. 13 going on 30 is a hollywood movie, it is made up.

    it is physically impossible, unless you suffer from a physical premature aging disease, which exist and are rare and very debilitating.

    All i can advise you to do is organise something special for your next birthday, have something to look forward to. enjoy being young and having no responsibilities.17 is a random age to choose anyway, unless of course it is because you want to drive, and if this is the case, it is a lot cheaper and safer to rely on others for a while until you are mature enough to handle the responsibilites that come with that kind of thing.

    I used to think, when i was 13, that it was the worst thing in the world because i SOOO knew i wasnt a child anymore, but nobody would treat me like an adult, and it all seemd "so unfair". Now i'm 23, and i sometimes look at my 16 year old sister with some envy, she is young has no responsibilities and no cares or worries, and seems to think that adulthood is the answer to everything. well it isnt.

    You know when the teachers say "enjoy being at school, its the best time of your life, make the most of it" and you say, yeah right!! i cant wait to leave. honestly? listen to the teachers, what they say is true.

    I can guarantee that in 10 years time you will look back on this question and sigh and say "what was i thinking" but right now, being a "kid" seems the worst thing in the world, well if it is then, thats ok, at least you have no mortgage to renew, an electricity bill to pay, food to buy, a car to run, a house to clean and a job to go to.

    Appreciate what you've got whilst you can, and when you do reach adulthood, you will be grateful that you lived your childhood to the full, and wont have any regrets.

  4. why hurry...u have only short span as childhood... being grownup has no fun......... believe me.... too much of responsibilities... being grown up is is no joke....

  5. have you been diagnosed yet?

  6. you gota push real hard.  be careful cause u might p**p

  7. Literally older? Technology is not there yet.

  8. yeah and at 17 you'll wish to be again 12

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