
Way to transfer music from a ipod of a mac? MY HARD DRIVE FAILED?

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So my hard drive failed and im gonna more than likely loose everything... but i would like to transfer my music from my ipod back to my computed which is a macbook pro

how do i do that without losing all my songs

(i have spent so much cash and i was literally going to be getting a place to back it all up on tomorrow and well now im screwed)




  1. use this from apple. it transfers your files from you ipod to your mac.

    and its free.yay. haha

  2. I assume you had to restore your computer and reinstall itunes.  

    It will ask you if you want to sync the ipod or replace the library.

    Just say no and exit the prompt and it will put the ipod in manual mode.

    Then you can copy songs from the ipod to the computer using this program.

    Music Rescue has a mac version and pc version.  Its really fast, safe and free of viruses and its free to use (it will ask you to purchase it but you never actually have to you just exit the prompt when it asks)

    Keep your ipod manually managed so that if this ever happens again you wont have to worry about it.

    When its manually managed you can use it on as many computers and with as many itunes libraries you want without anything getting deleted unless you right click and delete from the main music list under the ipods name.

    Just drag and drop what you want on the ipod from the itunes library to the ipods name.

    You also might want to (after you back up your music) restore your ipod and set it in PC mode instead of Mac.

    When its in PC mode and manually managed you can literally use your ipod on any computer you want, PC or Mac.

    This means getting music from friends and families itunes libraries, as well.

  3. Well in windows there is an option to turn on hidden files and folders. When you open up your ipod contents from "my computer" you can open a hidden folder with all your songs coded in letter. drop into a media player and you have them all. Unfortunately, you have a mac.

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