
Ways i can help the environment?

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what are ways i could help the environment, especially creative ways? i want to do good for the environment but not sure what to do....any sites/tips?




  1. Earth Day is coming up and many communities have programs like cleaning the local park, picking up garbage. Around me, it is combing the beach for garbage.

    Always recycle.

    If you like to use plastic water bottles, buy one. Get a larger gallon and fill the water with that.

    Do not use paper plates, plastic forks, spoons, knives--or plastic/paper cups. These are wasteful and don't necessarily fall into the "recycling category"

    Take shorter, cooler showers. See if you can get in and out within 10 minutes. This will cut down on the amount of water you use as well as heat (if you decrease the temp to lukewarm)

    Wash clothes in cold or luckwarm water. Hang your clothes out on the line rather then use a clothes dryer.

    Re-use--reuse Re-ruse.  If you get a plastic bowl from whipped cream, use it to store food in the frig.

    Keep as few lights on when you are home.

    If nobody is watching the tv, turn it off.

    If you drive, or drive someone you are with...urge them to drive the speed limit. That actually concerves gas and is better for the environment and the mpg.

    A gree car such as a Prius is a good way to go.

    In the Spring/Summer put on fans for as long as you can prior to putting on the ac.

    If you can walk to a store, do it! It saves on energy (gas) and you get some exercise in the process.

  2. biodegradable soaps and detergents from organic sources are starting to go mainstream.  Select those ones instead of the old-fashioned traditional toxic stuff.  Encourage your friends and contacts with it too.  

    Also, for your car, make your own windshield washer fluid with a jug of plain water with a teaspoon of biodegradable soap (make sure its not one that says don't use on painted surfaces).  I used my left-over biodegradable soap from a camping trip, from a camping equipment store.  It actually works better than the "chemical" windshield cleaners.  Also, a little goes a long way and its actually waayyy cheeper.  This one from the camping store is multi-purpose peppermint flavour and mild enough to use for washing your hair and even as alternative mouthwash.  You just have to make sure you switch to the antifreeze chemical during the freezing months though.

    Recycle as much as you can.

    Plant a tree, plant some bushes or anything.

    Spread the word about (plants) "green-roofs" too, and "white-roofs"

    Get some of those re-usable, washable, permanent shopping bags or "totes".  Refuse plastic bags from the cashier.

  3. Quit buying c**p made in China.  It is the most polluting country on Earth

  4. a whole list of them! You are very nice to think about our enviorment.

  5. this link has lots of cool ideas

    this one has THE MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do....

  6. some of the ones i like to do are:

    turn off any light and such things that are not being used.


    try to make use to your grocery bags like using them for garbage or something.

    use public transportation, or walk to your destination when you can.

    if these arent enough you could check out this page:

  7. - reuse bags - buy a cloth bag - they are great!


    put all litter in the bin

    ride your bike, or walk to work, park, school...etc..

  8. It's not about helping - it's about reducing how much you hurt.

    Recycle everything.  There's a little code number inside a triangle of arrows on most plastic containers - that'll help you sort plastics.  Aluminum and steel recycle very, very easily.

    Reduce what you're using: buy paper products that are 100% post-consumer recycled - that means it's all made from feedstocks that have been used once.  That's a better bet all around, it even means less pollution from making new paper to replace the old.  Buy products that have minimal packaging.

    Use products that are made locally - reduce how much fuel is burned to get the things you use to you.

    Plant a garden.  No land?  Fine, load up your deck with tomato plants in containers.

    Don't drive - walk.  Take the train or bus.  Individually a bus gets lousy mileage, but one bus getting 6 miles per gallon while carrying 7 people aboard is getting better mileage than your car carrying just you.  It also takes up less space on the road than seven cars.

    Ride a bike.  One mile on a bike vs. one mile in a car is almost a tie when you consider all the other things a car needs compared to a bike.

    Turn up the thermostat in warm weather, down in the winter.  Dress appropriately for the indoor weather.  If nobody freaks about it, go naked at home in the summer and turn the stat up even higher.  Naked is cheap.

    Environmental activism is nice, but environmental ACTION is better.  The worst part is, it's subtle.  But you'll feel it - more than anything else, it's inexpensive.

  9. Recycle

  10. My favorite web site for Green Living is Its a whole online community about enviromental issues and ideas on how to do your part they even have petitions you can sign that get sent to the government and other agencys that really help make a difference. I really love there healthy and green living section it has home remedies and all natural cures. Super helpful info...check it out!


  11. Well, one way to save or help the enviroment is that when your on the computer and need to search for something, use, instead of your original search engine. saves energy because instead of a lit screen thats wastes alot of energy the screen is dark. I know you probably think that since the screen is so dark that you cant see what your typing, or even anything at all right? Well, think again!! Even though the screen may be dark the letters you type are not.

  12. You could recycle, install a shower head that saves a specific percentage of water, unplug your electronics or cooking materials that can be unplugged that way you can save a lot of energy, or you can clean up a park. A site that would help you is called where there are a lot of service projects and all sorts of ideas that can help you save and help the environment! Hope it helps!

  13. uhmm, well an obvious one; you could pick up some trash around the neighborhood. and recycle all your plastic and soda cans

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