
Ways of dealing with rejection?

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Every actor faces rejection at least a few times (usually way more) throughout their career. So my question is, what are some ways of dealing with rejection? Whether it's listening to a favorite song or punching a pillow, everyone has some way of dealing, so what are a few that have worked repeatedly for some of you?




  1. That thought of knowing there IS ALWAYS SOMETHING BETTER. & never quitting

  2. Never give up, Never give in and Never stop.  I've alwayss thought as actors as the most outgoing and most expressive people.  Free to express their emotions and unafraid to act out or face other persons dilemmas through constructive thinking.  One idea maybe to take your favorite subject and study about it in class or on your own, just to send your thoughts in a different direction temporarily.  Distract yourself from the current negative feeling you may or may not be experiencing.  Go through the traditional misgivings, take yourself to the shopping mall where there should be lots of people, eat a piece of candy, tell your best friend to remind you you are a person who deserves to be a famous actress,  and then let it all go and continue with your venture.  It does not matter what you do to distract yourself from your temporary feelings, just Do Not Give Up, Do Not Give In, Do Not Stop.  One more thing write your experiences down about this particular moment and quite possibly it might turn into history you will be able to use in the future.  Actors alway end up writing or directing their own scripts or movies.  Besides my guess is you sound like you have a lot of life in front of you. Good Luck.

  3. Rejection means you didn't want to work there anyhow.

  4. Think of ways of how can I improve. Rejection only empowers me to do greater things.

  5. write angry letter and throw it away

  6. Learn from the rejection! Do things differently. Try alternate monologues, wear different outfits, get coaching. Don't keep doing the same thing over and over again. If it isn't working than mix it up and try something new.

    Also find your "brand" if you keep getting cast as the dumb blonde, than know that is a role you can get work from. The difficult part comes when you want to expand yourself. You may have to learn to act all over again, and will have to make some drastic changes in order to diversify your parts.

  7. go in your closet, hold a teddy bear (or cat or dog)

    and just cry! ALOT!!!!!!!!!

    hope that helped!

    good luck!

  8. Eat a pint of ice cream. Than you'll gain 50 lbs. and you'll get rejected even more! YAY! lol. jk

    Just think: Rihanna was rejected by Christina Milian when she first started her career....and look where she is now!

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