
Ways on how to maximize the use of textbooks?

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  1. Ways  on how to maximize the use of Textbooks 

    The main need and use for textbooks by teachers is to represent and provide subject matter content to the students.

    A range of factors such as a) teaching subject, b) grade level,

    c) timing of lesson during the day does not seem to influence

    textbook use to any great extent.

    Features of Effective Textbooks for Students with Disabilities

    1. Double-spaced

    2. Black and white pictures with clear black line images

    3. Consistent frameworks or “big ideas” to which all content is connected (For

    example: Problem--> Solution--> Effect)

    4. Questions every one to three paragraphs to ensure that students have

    noticed the key elements of information and are still engaged in the reading

    5. Questions in test format periodically related to the “big ideas” and warming

    students up to expectations for assessment as well as reviewing and

    integrating content as the reading progresses

    What do expert teachers do when they use textbooks?

    1. Teach how to read expository text structures. Label the text structure.

    a. Description

    b. Sequence

    c. Comparison and contrast

    d. Cause and effect

    e. Problem and solution

    2. Prereading

    a. Preview of vocabulary

    i. Card sort: give students cards of vocabulary, they sort and

    move them into hierarchy based on dictionary consulting as


    ii. Card match: definitions and words on separate cards, students

    find partners OR throw cards in the air and students make


    iii. Use illustrations for any vocabulary that represents a visual


    iv. Use morphemic analysis

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