
Ways that government can do to making housing more affordable to everyone??

by  |  earlier

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what are some ways that government can do to make housing more affordable to everyone??

any ideas?




  1. ummm... nothing. it's not the governments job to make housing affordable... if you think it is, then you have this country confused with some socialist country like Russia... or Cuba, or china... they control their citizens that what you want? I'm sure you could move to one of the countries... they would love to have you. and don't bother packing your bill of rights, or the Constitution...

    and if the government does decide to help out... the only way they can pay for it is tax the people that can afford it. no thanks.

  2. The only people who can and should change the housing market are the buyers, the sellers, and the banks. They legitimately have a role to play where the government does not; that's not its job.

  3. allot of people are against this. the government can't get involved in the housing market.

    the government can make it so houses are build to save money and also enforce affordable housing plots in new developments

  4. The low income housing I've ever seen have turned into slums.  That's appreciation for you.  I vote no!

  5. Keep their fingers out of it ---------

    Do not bail out Fannie Mae , or Freddie ----- for it will cause a huge burden on the rest of taxpayers (you and me) .

    The government has no money ---- it taxes the people for it.

    A bail-out will only cover all the banks,etc. ---- it will not actually help very many people save their homes .

    It's a smokescreen --- and " We The People" will be taxed well above what they are saying , to save the banks.

    Can you count to : 10,000,000,000,000 dollars ? (10 Trillion dollars). Better start counting now , for that"s the amount they will finally work up to.

    My words are serious -- Do not take this lightly.

    Soon after the new President(?) takes office--does not manner who it is --- this country is headed into a "Great Recession".

    Look around you ---- go on the net to many various places,both here and abroad.

    Check the value of our "falling dollar" ---- oil prices -- high,increasing food prices --- Lay-offs --- downsizing ---closures ----increasing taxes ---longer work hours/job duties for the same pay , if not a cut in pay , "to save your job".

    Companies are begining to cut benefits to the retired ones --- some have stopped completly.

    I say things will get worst in the next 2 years -----

    Sorry for the " Doom & Gloom " senario , but I feel that anyone with a average I.Q. should be able to see it coming.

    If anyone ever needs a place to eat ---- I'll share my pizza and beer with you.

    "You All" have a nice day , and watch out for "falling prices".


  6. It's not their f'n job!

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