
Ways to become more green?

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I have read different websites on tips to become more green and it basically just tells me to recycle. I want to know if there are anymore things that I can do.




  1. start producing food by using photosynthesis

  2. Yes we are doing it.

    I mow the lawn with my horse

    I only eat plants and animals that died of natural causes.

    Never cook eat food raw or warmed in sun.

    I drive a donkey cart to store

    Wash clothes in creek by hand

    dry the on rocks.

    I only turn electric on for 1 hour a day.

    take bath in creek or shower in rain.

    Remodeling a cave to live in 50 degrees car battery for light.'

    most of our clothes are hand woven out of hemp.

    shoes for kids are made from leather road kill sandals and tires for bottom of shoes.

    repaired old shopping cart for kids to collect empty soda cans.

    Beds are old newspaper & tree Moss with hemp covering. furniture is made from logs and tree stumps.

    Floor carpet is woven out of brightly colored plastic bags woven in circle.

    My job is picking seed pine cones for forestry dept

    This cooling has already killed hundreds of thousands of people. If it continues and no strong action is taken, it will cause world famine, world chaos and world war, and this could all come about before the year 2000. -- Lowell Ponte "The Cooling", 1976

    If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder by the year 2000...This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age. -- Kenneth E.F. Watt on air pollution and global cooling, Earth Day (1970)

    What we've got to do in energy conservation is try to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, to have approached global warming as if it is real means energy conservation, so we will be doing the right thing anyway in terms of economic policy and environmental policy. -- Timothy Wirth, former U.S. Senator (D-Colorado)

    If radical environmentalists were to invent a disease to bring human populations back to sanity, it would probably be something like AIDS -- Earth First! Newsletter

    Human happiness, and certainly human fecundity, is not as important as a wild and healthy planets...Some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along. -- David Graber, biologist, National Park Service

    The collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans. -- Dr. Reed F. Noss, The Wildlands Project

    Happy Thanks Giving God Bless USA

  3. Reuse: You can bring a cup or mug to Starbucks or any restaurant and use it instead of disposable cups.

  4. Go to this address and check out something called CFLs.

    CFLs are those crazy twirly type lightbulbs you see in the stores and are strangely fascinated by but too shy to go up to and introduce yourself. But CFLs are quite friendly and willing to slide into your sockets just like normal lightbulbs are.

    But it's better than that, CFLs consume much less energy than a regular lightbulb. 13 Watts for a normal 60 Watt bulb and you save money.

    If everybody used just one bulb in America, it would be like taking 800,000 cars off the roads and we would save hundreds of millions of dollars in energy costs.

    So go on, look, the CFL is smiling at you. Go talk to it, take it home and put it in one of your sockets. ;P

  5. Conserve energy and water.

  6. The airline industry is subsidized by the government, and spews out 100 times more carbon into the atmosphere than you do in a life time-why should you be the only one taking the blame....write to your congress about this problem.

    Have corporations do something more for the environment!

  7. I am glad you are interested in being green, for the sake of future generations.

    Recycling is a very useful contribution but I would add reducing and re-using.  In other words reduce the stuff you buy, re-use stuff where possible and recycle only what you can not re-use.

    Perhaps the most powerful of all these is reduce.  By setting an example of a simple lifestyle you will demonstrate to politicians that there are votes to be gained by adopting sustainable policies (for example by not building more runways for aircraft).  You will also demonstrate to other people that a simple lifestyle is more fun than trying to keep up with the neighbours.

    I find re-use is fun.  The satisfaction I get from mending things so they can be re-used is great.  I can also recommend googling Freecycle and your local town.  You should find a network of people that exchange unwanted stuff with one another so that it can be re-used instead of being sent to landfill.

    Recycling lacks the fun element for me but it is easy and makes me feel better about what I am failing to re-use.

    Best wishes

  8. Recycle

    Conserve energy, water, etc.

    Don't dump you mcdonalds on the side of the road.

    The list goes on....

  9. With little time to write it all, please consult the recently released website authored by the U.S. Green Building Council -   The USGBC has been certifying "green" public buildings for five years.  They will be launching a certification process for "green" houses in 2008.  This website can lead you where you wish to go.  Yes, I'm a member of our local USGBC chapter, and you can be also if you want to.

  10. wash ur clothes in warm or cold water, insolate ur house, dont use the heater/air conditioning, try to avoid driving/if you cant try 2 carpool, eat local food, turn your computer off when your not using it, switch from using fossil fuel 4 energy 2 alternitive energies like windpower, plant a garden on your roof, recycle...everything, fill your dish washer completely before using it. These things will also help you save money along with using less carbon which means making our earth greener. hope that helped.

  11. there are many ways you can be more green. Turning off the water while you brush your teeth...turning off lights when you are not in a room...avoid driving your car when you can walk just as easily...reuse plastic bags (like grocery bags) as garbage bags...give your old clothes that do not fit to the homeless shelter...and many more! You just have to be creative and think about what can make this world a better place!!!

  12. That is cool and a great idea.  I also suggest a LaundryPure;

    It saves our water from harmful chemicals.  I don't even separate darks from lights!  I use a LaundryPure and even ditched laundry soap altogether.  I have two kids and a stinky husband.  Nothing has ever worked better, see it under water products below:

  13. Four issues that make we need to combat to being greener are transport , energy , water and waste management.

    From household to household, the top of the list in contributing to green house effect is the car. Each litre of fuel consumption will generate 2 kg of greenhouse gas ! I try to walk ,cycle and use public transport as much as I can.Further more , car sharing with friends whenever possible ; plan my trip well so visit all places in one trip rather than doing multiple trips..

    Second issue is energy management. Every unit of gas or electricity used will add 1 kg of green house gas to our precious environment. Now we can monitor  energy consumption by checking on the meters .I have changed to energy saving light bulbs ;switch off appliances at the wall;switch off lights when I'm not in the room....even built a solar oven to do my slow cooking ! In the winter,cover up with more clothes and blankets to reduce the need for heating. Try and plant shady plants to shade the house from hot sun, convert paving areas to gardenbeds which will reduce the absorption of heat and the need for air conditioning. Plan your house to be energy efficient before you build it !

    Thirdly is water management .I have a rainwater tank for drinking (taste better than tap water) and borewater for the vegie garden . Water saving appliances like shower heads, washing machine and toilets etc can be installed.Greywater recycling is practised in my household.....the vegies get watered from the washing machine and the dish washing. My average daily water usage from the mains is under 20 litres per day !

    Lastly on waste management.There are billions of dollars of food went to waste in Australia every year.We also put out unwanted household items on the verge twice a year for the council to collect.To reduce landfill , I am part of the group called freecycle where one offers any unwanted old items to the group .If I need any items , I will also visit the streets that put out their unwanted household items for council collection and help myself to them. So far , I have acquired a BBQ weber ,hosepipes and hundreds of plant pots .I grow my own food and catch my own food from the sea. I counted over 40 varieties of vegies in my garden.All my kitchen and garden waste go to my compost and worm farm. In return I don't buy fertilizer which has been a big problem as people over fertilize and pollute our waterways.If we all go back to the old ways and be self-sufficient and consume locally or home grown produce , this will reduce the need for massive air transport in our society of false economy . If we all spend an hour a day in building a vegie garden and recycle kitchen and garden waste as organic fertiliser , we would not just be a lot greener , but also healthier , fitter and wealthier because you won't be wasting your money in buying unhealthy preservatives ridden packaged pre-prepared food from the supermarket which  has a high environmental tax in production , transport and disposal.

  14. I have switched over to all natural cleaning products and health care items.  I limit the number of errands I run.  I unplug electronics that aren't in use.  I use CF bulbs.  I installed a low flow shower head.  I installed energy star appliances, windows and doors.  When it comes time to redo my kitchen I will use bamboo.

  15. a few things I can do personally

    (as I'm not always a community type person...)

    1- Follow the Golden Rule

    (treat others how you would WANT to be treated.)

    2- Environmental Awareness

    (*change my light bulbs, *use canvas bags backpacks etc instead of plastic bags, *use public transportation, *eat a whole foods based diet, and *compost and recycle)

    3- Be part of the solution not the problem (in any issue!!!)

  16. use green school/office supplies.  Read these blog articles that can help you become more green...

    - Save money by conserving energy

    - Green is no longer just the color money

    - Environmentally Friendly Packing Ideas

    - Make your office earth friendly

    - Shop Green


    -i limit use of plastics

    -recycle what i can (although recycle is also not good for the environment... it is WAY better than adding more **** to our landfills)

    -walk or ride my bike everywhere i can

    -i don't use lights during the daytime (unless i have to) and just open shades---always turn off lights when not in use

    -rarely turn on heat in house.... i just bundle up or zone heat with a space heater if too cold...

    -most importantly, i dont eat meat.... the amount of gas and resources for feeding and transporting cows and other meat is so ridiculous.... everything about raising animals just for humans to eat is bad for pollution/environment...

    if you are going to eat meat... eat in moderation and only natural, local, and wild meat. still sad, but better....


  19. Hi,  There are a lot of things that you can do to be more green in your daily life!  Here is a list of ideas:

    Make a commitment to lower your electric bill; hang dry clothes, turn off lights and things that you aren't using, switch to cfl's.  Make less trips in your car, carpool, bike commute, shop for second hand clothes, lower your thermostat, use less hot water, use canvas bags for shopping, don't water the lawn, mow less, re-use everything that you can, and use less than you have been.  Buy things that will last for a long time and not end up in a land fill, use a rain barrel.

    One of the best way to become sustainable (green) is to support local business and agriculture.  Think about all of the costs that went into the creating of processed food, from fuel for farming, processing, shipping and trees to package it in, and also imported goods- labor, materials often shipped from USA  to make procuct and shipped back to the USA, labor, (often in sweat shops).  Buying locally supports your local economy, uses much less fossil fuels in shipping and especially in the case of food, you know exactly what you and your family are eating.  As it is now, the success of the food industry depends on us not knowing what goes into the products.

    Probably the best thing that you can do is to let your local government know that you care about these things.  There are guidlines available for municipalities that will reduce their impact tremendously, but most only see the initial cost and not the long term savings and benefits.  If people ask for it, they will know that it is time to consider the options.

  20. Switch to earth friendly products from the first company in the world to obtain Climate Neutral certification and totally offset its C02 emissions, resulting in a net zero impact on the environment. And I don't drive to the store to buy them. They are shipped to my house by UPS - who has put in processes to cut the amount of resources they use to make deliveries.

    The company is environmentally friendly & the products are environmentally friendly. It's a win-win!

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