
Ways to calm down before a big interview, help asap?

by  |  earlier

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I just got a call from the County Jail regarding my application to work as a correctional officer. He called because he was processing my paperwork and i forgot to put my drivers licence on there. I told him i didnt have a licence so i gave him my id number. He asked "well if i hired you how could i expect you to get to work with no licence?" so i told him i made arrangements with my family to give me rides until i could afford a vehicle of my own and he said okay and that he'd keep processing my paperwork.

The whole time i was really really nervous, talking fast, he even told me i talked to fast and that he didnt understand me once. What are some ways that i can calm down so im not like this anymore?




  1. have a THOUGHT before you answer...

  2. Breath. Take some deep breaths. Experienced employers already know that potential employees will be nervous and anxious to get the job. So just relax. Its probably not even a bad idea to tell him that your nervous and really want the job. In my opinion, being nervous isn't such a bad thing in all cases.

  3. nervousness has many signs and one is talking fast and forgetting things like what happened to you. Usually in order to avoid this kind of situation, a night before the big day, try to familiarize yourself with the location. familiarization often adds comfort.

    prepare your cv, other documents related to your qualifications and most especially your license if you will be driving (again for referral purposes only) and try to remember everything you put in there so that you will not grope for answers and looks like you're lying

    be on the site at least 10 minutes in advance. this gives you time to go to the toilet, freshen up and do some relaxation exercise. deep breathing prior to the interview helps

    dress and look at your best. this boost your ego and adds to you confidence level

    hoping i was able to help

  4. it sounds bad, but have a cigarette. and get confident

  5. imagine yourself getting the job and remember that you are prepared and that you are ready for this interview.

  6. grab a glass and pour in some JD? lol jk dont try that just act normal  

  7. Deep breathes

  8. Have a bloody mary or three before your interview.............

  9. smoke a joint

  10. Give the em' the bird

  11. Breathe deeply. Focus on what it is that you want. I freaked out at an interview once and then was scared to do another one. It turns out that the job was probably not for me anyway, and I did better at my next one. I just had to tell myself that I was interviewing THEM. Think of it as you having an asset that they need. And just chill, man. It Will be ok.  

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