
Ways to cope with anger?

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I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful boys, and my life is pretty good. The only problem I really have is my anger. Every little thing that doesn't go my way makes me mad. I am always getting mad at my husband and kids for no legit reason. Please help...I cannot afford to see a counselor, and I just want to be happy instead of mad all the time. Does anyone suffer from just being angry a lot? I so, what did/do you do to change?

PS My sons are 6 years and 4 months.




  1. You are a mom, you're allowed.

  2. First let me commend you on realizing and admitting that irrational anger threatens your "pretty good" life.  Remembering that irrational and explosive anger could cost you your husband if not your marriage will help.  Unfortunately, there are always females readily available to offer safe havens to over stressed husbands.  Decide on those things that are most important to you where your marriage is concerned and share them with your husband.  If anger should flare up outside of those things, remember they are not on the list of "important enough to be angry about".  Also share with your husband the effort you are making in behalf of your family unit and thank him for the help he is going to be.  Lack of rest and "me" time contributes greatly to unwarranted anger.  Your husband can help here by giving you a little break from your two angels so you can have some time just for you. Even two hours of blocked time per week can help and alternate nights of bath giving. Plan it wisely and consistantly as it rejuvenates and gives you something to look forward to relieve life's stresses.

    "Every little thing that doesn't go my way makes me mad. I am always getting mad at my husband and kids for no legit reason."  Your negative, you are shall we say...selfish.  Your positive, you are brutally honest about it. LOL  Realizing that it is not all about you will be your biggest helper.  Being willing to make some sacrifices for the happiness of others is key to side stepping temper tantrums.  Consider that your way is not always the best way.  You love your family and you want the best for them in all things and that includes emotional security.  Remember emotional security is not possible with voliatile tempers.  You want your family to feel secure in coming to you as support and not hiding things from you to save themselves even more stress.   Your angels are going to be much older someday and for self preservation you must control your anger.  As they grow up, your anger may not matter to them because they may think, "Mom's always angry about something so why try to please her."

    You can do it because you will be happier when you do.

    Be Blessed

  3. I think you just need a little time for you.  Take time out during your day and spend time just relaxing or doing something you enjoy.  This will help relieve the stress of being a mom and a wife and remind you that you are a person worthy of a little alone time for yourself.  

  4. Why are you so angry. There is an underlying reason to it. If you are mad at your husband for every little thing, try to really think about the real reason that you are so upset so easily. There must be something bothering you that runs pretty deep. Try to identify that, and then talk through it with your husband. He is there to be a partner to you, and help you through the tough times. Communication is the best way to get through most problems, even anger. Best of luck to you!

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