
Ways to cure a fear of DEEP WATER????

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Got any ideas....cant even swim in a pool deeper than 6 feet, Get really panicy and feel dizzy.

I can swim really well though. I just need help with this fear as Im going on holiday on the 29th.....




  1. HELLO.

    get a friend and a floaty hoop then drift around the pool and hope for the best.

    Get a swimming lesson or go to a club...

  2. In order to break the fear of swim in depth you have to start diving

  3. First of all recognize that fear of deep water is not irrational.  It is a feeling rooted in real risks and real danger.

    Having said that, the way to overcome the fear is to mitigate the danger and then acclimatize your body and mind to the new situation.  The first step is to learn to swim well in shallower water.  If you develop skill and confidence in standing-depth water it will help you transition to deeper water with a minimum of anxiety.

    Once you've achieved a good level of skill and confidence in standing depth water, try edging out along the pool wall to a place where you can 'tippy-toe' and still stand.  Try floating there for a while, maybe with one hand on the wall, but then take the hand away when you feel up to it.  Once you can float in that depth of water without feeling your fear symptoms, go on to swimming across the pool at that depth.  Remember that at any time you should still be able to stand up and breath, even if it means being on 'tippy toes'.

    This may be easier if you have a swimming-skilled friend swim alongside you, maybe even bringing a float along to give you support when needed.

    Once you can do that depth, try water a bit deeper, and so on.

    This is not an uncommon situation.  It just takes will power and persistance.  Encouragement & help from a friend or Swimming Instructor can really help.  Good luck!  Learning to swim and be safe/confident in deep water opens up a whole range of great recreational opportunities!

  4. If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball!!

  5. yer im the same..not too bad in a pool but the sea is a definate no could have some scuba diving lessons at youre local pool to help?have a great hols

  6. Swimming in deep water is sooo much fun!!!  I could swim all day!  

    Well, usually you have to gradually over-come your fear of deep water, but when i was in like 1st grade, I took swimming lessons and i wouldn't put my head under water at all and finally my teacher MADE me put my head under water and she held my head for like 5 seconds so I couldn't get up!  After that I realized how much fun it was.. i know you already know how to swim under water, but what i'm saying is you'll need to push yourself into swimming under water.  

    Since you can swim in 6 foot deep water, practice by swimming all the way to the bottom and staying down there for like 5 or 10 seconds.  Gradually go to the 7 foot deep and swim to the bottom and stay there for 3 seconds, then 5 seconds, then 10 seconds.  Just give yourself a little time and don't give up.  Once you learn how to swim in really deep water it is SO MUCH FUN!  =)

    p.s.  swim as often as possible!  the more practice the better!

  7. Sorry cant help you there cos i can swim at all, dont go in deep water on your own just not worth it, why dont you take soemthing like a scuba diving course. I used to be terrified of dogs and when i got a dog this really helped.

    ps good luck with the interview

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