
Ways to fundraise?

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Me and a group of friends are trying to raise some money for a relay thing. I need some ideas on ways to fundraise, and nothing to expensive. We are raising money to go towards to American Cancer society. =)

And please, don't tell me to get a job -- I'm only 12.




  1. Oh- are you talking about "Relay for Life" ? I did that, too!

    One way that my team raised a TON of money (like, over $250 each!) was selling candy.

    I know how dorky it sounds, but I swear, it works. Have each of your friends on your team sacrifice $5 and run to Jewel or Sams club and buy a variety of junk food. Candy bars, lollipops, poptarts, granola bars, or even bags of chips. Then give everybody a big ziplock bag and divide the snacks up. Sell everything according to how much people are willing to pay for it. Candy bars, depending on the type, will ususally go up to $1.50, chips ususally go for $1.00, and lollipops will usually sell really well for a quarter each.

    I swear, it works. We raised a ton of money. Just walk arond school with it- eventaully, someone will get hungry and ask to buy something. Or you can jsut walk up to hte people you know and ask them if they're interested in buying something.

    Plus- if students are really hungry and stuck in a classroom- where else are they suppsed to go for food?

    Best of luck- because I know that this worked for me.

  2. Collect loose change at school, Bake Sale, small contests, asking local businesses, sign up for fundraising website that allow you to re-sale things.
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