
Ways to get a horse trailered?

by  |  earlier

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I have been riding for over 4 years now, and have lately been pondering actually buying my own horse. I am trying to look at all of the expenses, so if you have any to offer me please feel free to share. Anyways, I recently hit a brick wall in the way of trailering. I love shows, and going to them would be a huge priority. Now heres my question- do boarders usually trailer other peoples horses? Even if for a fee? And what would that fee be? Or if they don't, would their be any way for me to trailer my horse without having to buy a truck and trailer (which would be, literally, impossible)

Thanks :]


Also ANY tips on buying a new horse/picking a boarding place are appreciated!




  1. read this up more.but the most i can tell you is when look for a horse get a vet check.also some boarding place wil trailer but idk how much.when buying a horse ask a lot of questions.(ex. has the horse ever had any health issues in the past?)good luck now!

  2. I have a 2 horse trailer and have a standing offer at my barn that if someone needs a ride then I'll talk to them about getting the horse where it needs to go. If I'm going to a show or clinic and someone needs a ride then I split the gas costs 50/50. Their horse has to be a good loader (no crazy 2 hour ordeals just to get in the trailer) and their stuff goes in after mine. If something (tack trunk or any random stuff) doesnt fit then they are responsible for getting the stuff to where ever we are going.

    If they need a ride somewhere that I am not going or moving a new horse then they pay for all the gas. I have yet to decide if there will be a charge on top of that to account for the time out of my/my parents schedule to move a horse. We also don't have insurance to protect us incase of an accident and the other persons horse gets hurt so we are careful who we offer rides to.

    We are the only people I know of that offer trailering horses and are not trainers. Most barns with trainers will move their lesson kids horses.

  3. I would use a lunge whip but not whip just wave a little behind his butt and keep it there until he gets in. It usaly works for me

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