
Ways to get a little kid to go to sleep?

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last night while i was babysitting the little boy i was watching was up until 12:30 a.m. throwing a fit. how can i get him to fall asleep earlier and without a fit?




  1. Warm milk, tell him a story, maybe a white noise (like a fan).  

  2. use placebo affect. night night juice! can be any kind of juice, grape, apple, but call it night night juice and tell him that in 20 min he will fall asleep and dream of his favorite television or movie character

  3. well i've been fortunate that most kids i've babysat don't put up a fuss around bedtime but when they do some things I've done to get them to go to bed are:

    -compromise, say something like "ok lets play a game first and then go to bed"

    -go to bed with them (then leave when they fall asleep)

    -read them a few stories before putting them to sleep

    -tell them an hour ahead of time that they have to sleep at a certain time and keep reminding them until its time so it doesn't come unexpectedly

    it really depends on the age of the child though. if they are really young just wear them out. chase them around a little. they'll get tired.

  4. give him a warm bath then put him in his pajamas then but him in bed read a nice quite story and then turn off the lights and then rub his back talking to him softly or singing a slow song then when he settles down just walk away sofly and dont close the doorr....playing a movie makes the brain wake up ....and try to get him to bed around 6 or 7 it works better that way they are not past the tired part.

  5. Make sure he is not eating and drinking too late (ie no sugar or caffiene). Get him a warm bath and pajamas on and read him a book, then try to get him to sleep, if not have a movie together. God bless

  6. when i babysit i let the kids play in their rooms for a little while before bed, then i put them into bed and read them a couple of their favorite stories, if they're not asleep by then just tell them good night and lay them in bed and shut the lights off or turn on a night light, then leave and do whatever you do when they sleep, if they get up put them back into bed and stay by the door, they should fall asleep soon, also ask the parents about night time rituals.  

  7. Turn on elevator music.

    Drive him around.

  8. drug the little b*****d

  9. as u can see   u shud give him a bath but also make him some warm milk or something. and make sure if hes taking any cough syrup or meds cuz they can make kids hyper. my mother also says that wen i was little i was soo tired i stayed up throwing fits. my mother got me to sleep by literally holding me down.

  10. get him tired!!:)

    like something energetic and most likely to get tired.

  11. depends on the age if younger give them a warm bath and read them a story

  12. Make a Routine.

    1)Take a bath

    2) Put PJ's on

    3) Milk or Juice

    4) Pick out a toy to sleep with

    5) Read a Book

    6) Lights out and off to bed

  13. Try tiring him out. How old is he? If he's a toddler, give him a bath. Don't fill the tub up. Just a little bit. NEVER leave him unattended in a bath. Watch a kid friendly movie.  

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