
Ways to get a six pack???

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I am 15, and want a six pack. I have somewhat developed abs, but I would like to make them more defined. How can I do so???




  1. ABs Weight Machine

  2. long way bro

  3. If Ye Have Fat Burn That Off First By Running Swimming Etc

    Then To Get A Deeper Sixpac Doo Crunches =D

  4. Crunches.And stomach exercises    

  5. I think you are still young to do that, but are some helpful things to do

    You need to cut down on most carb. The only carbs you should eat are from fruit and vegetables. Eat 1 g of protein for each pound of bodyweight. Drink lots of water

    Cardio - Do cardio every day. Alternative between long runs and HIIT (Sprints)

    Weights - Life 3 days a week doing full body workouts made up of compound lifts such as squats and deadlifts.  

  6. Running will no doubt help you get a six pack, but that is not the only thing to focus on. Running mainly works the lower abs and burns the extra fat off your stomach. In order for a six pack to really show, you need your body fat % to be 11% or lower. STAY AWAY FROM HIGH FAT FOODS! Try running a mile a day, I do that much myself. But if you are doing it on an empty stomach, just make sure that you have a good meal right afterwards. Otherwise your body will burn your muscle instead of fat. You also must work your upper abs, which is pretty easy. I recommend just simple crunches, body crunches, reverse crunches, and something called the "bicycle crunch"

    If you do all these things than I am positive you will have a six pack in no time.

  7. Work out and exercise.  Do 100 crunches or situps every day.  Sooner or later you'll get rock hard abs.

  8. huh, tough question, aaaaaa, exersize and work out

  9. i got my 6 pack because i'm nigerian. but exercise, working out, stretches and lots of sit ups and leg lifts. things that work your abdomen...

  10. Look up some abdominal exercises on Youtube, I'm pretty sure there is this one that actually works, it's one of the first.

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