
Ways to get rid of acne fast?

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I already wash my face once or twice a day. It helps a little bit, but i want faster results. Plz help!!!!




  1. Replace sugary drinks with water, eat less sugary foods and sleep with

    acne medicine on the problem areas.

    But deffinately try the water, because believe it or not - i drank only water for a month and my face cleared up fast.

    But obv keep your normal eating habit - just back off the sweets.

  2. you should try proactiv. there is a down side to proactiv though. one of proactiv's main ingredients is benzoyl peroxide, which bleaches your face and makes it really really dry. i would recommend proactiv if you hav oily skin. if you don't you can try clinique moisturizer to go along with proactiv. the benzoyl peroxide could also bleach towels and clothes so watch out for that. if you don't want the benzoyl peroxide then you could ask for the gentler proactiv treatment or go to your nearby drug store and look at the ingredients on the back of the acne treatments and try to find one without benzoyl peroxide, or alcohol (which can also damage you face)

  3. get a facewash for spots, and after try using these, they really help for me and i have acne;

    clearasil ultra deep pore treatment pads

    clearasil ultra rapid action treatment cream

    aloe vera and teatree are really good for spots/acne,so try and get some pure aloe vera gel and teatree , it helped loads for me. x

  4. -Always wash twice a day.

    -Eat less sugar. It's total BS that diet doesn't have anything to do with acne. I know for a fact that when I eat less sugar, my acne goes down.

    -Try an acne treatment cream in it with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

    -An easy home remedy is hydrogen peroxide. Soak one end of a cotton swap with it, then dab it on the spot and rub it in a little. Wait an hour, then repeat. This helps swelling go down immensely, the other night I put some on these three huge zits and they were a lot smaller by the next day.


    Hope this helps!!

  6. Try buying products like Clearasil, Proactiv (it works!), the clean and clear acne treatment system, or maybe the neutrogena wave.  From personal experience, the products that work best are the ones that you can get if you ask your pediatrician for a prescription, especially Benza-Clin and Differin.

    Good luck =)

  7. Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.   Here are a few informative links with additional home treatment ideas.

  8. Try "vanishing point 7.5" from "VB Cosmetics"  

  9. i always ahd trouble with my skin no matter what i tried but i went doctors and got acne tablets, they ar ejust egenral antibiotics really and my skin completyly  cleared up in like 2 months, and i had it so bad before/

  10. Avoid oily food

    Avoid sweets

    Avoid more chocolates

    Apply garnier pimple cure, for very fast relief.

    Use face washes designed for oily skin or use normal skin

    Apply a tiny amount of ur toothpaste on those places for 5 min and then wash it with cold water.

    Eat more fruits and fruit juices

    Remember,dont forget about the things to b avoided,even after the acne are gone

    Gud luk

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