
Ways to get rid of roaches?

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We have roaches in our kitchen that I want GONE forever! I hate seeing them. I just saw one in the kitchen when I was getting juice. It crawled in a space I can't get to so I shoved a bunch of paper towels up there so it couldn't get out.

What are the best spray poisons or anything really to get them out?




  1. god i hate roaches. when i used to live in a four-plex we had them too and when we complained to the landlord, they said they'd send out an exterminator. but to cover the dang exterminator they raised our friggin rent! and he never got rid of them.

    anyways to answer your question...the best way that i've found to get rid of them is to do the fogger type thing. you have to get out and get your pets out of the house for many hours, not sure how many, and shut the windows and doors.  it gets into the cracks where you cant. hope it helps, cuz i cant stand em either. send em on to your neighbors!

  2. put boric acid powder,available from drug store.put behind appliances.(where kids/pets cant hav acces to it).it should kill them in a couple may hav to do it again after eggs hatch.

  3. well if you want to have some fun get

    AXE its a deoderant spray...

    so when you see one spray it directly onto

    it and it will die like instantly.

  4. one word....

    RAID its bug spray,u can get it anywhere,it kills roches water beattles,anything you can think of!!!!me and my mom use it all the time and we have water beattles and btw get it in the red can,its fast kill it kills instantly!

  5. you can't get rid of roaches because roaches can survive an attomic bom just keep your house veeeeerrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy clean and you'll begin to get less and less if it's rainy a flying one can come in or not...

    there huge but its just to stay dry.

  6. What works better than poison is the Vegas Roach Trap.

    Basically it consists of a big jar, like a pickle jar, about 1/3 filled with coffee grounds and water, propped up against a corner or wall where the roaches frequent.  The roaches evidently LOVE the scent of the coffee grounds and climb up your wall to get into the jar, but as they fall in, they begin to drown and cannot grip the slick glass surface to escape.  Roaches go in one after another, and no one gets out.  

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