
Ways to help kids not be scared of thunderstorms?

by Guest45015  |  earlier

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I really need tips please! Distraction doesnt work for them! they just cry and hide. I need tips on how to calm them during the monsoon season. These are BAD storms, they make flooded washes with currents that can cary cars away. They are loud and last about hour or so. Please i need ideas! Thank you!

The kids are ages 2 to 8, thank you!




  1. First,  explain to them what is happening. Despite what you may think, reasoning with an 8 year old is the best thing. Tell them it is little circles bouncing together in the cloud like kids in a moon bounce or on a trampoline. Have then draw a picture of what the inside of a cloud looks like. Then, snuggle the kids in under a blanket with a bowl of popcorn and their favorite movie. Shut the shades and put headphones on over their ears to watch the movie. Act like it is a huge deal and they are so lucky to get to use the headphones. Let them eat in front of the movie. The movie will drown out the thunderr and they will forget what they were so worried about. Read them this book...   or get it on cassette tape to drown out the thunderstorm. Ask them to pretend they are the thunder and make that noise.

    Tell them to put on skits about thunder and lightning. The only thing you can really do to help the 2 year old is constantly keep them in your arms. Make sure they feel secure and give in to what they really want. If they want ice cream or a certain movie, just give in. During the storms, they need to feel the comforts of home.

  2. First of all,you must be calm.

    It works good to spend time playing with them before the storm begins and don't pay attention when thunders and rays begin to fall.


  3. When I was real little, my mom always told me that God was just bowling, and that his footsteps were so big, they made the lights flicker. I tell that to my two year old, and she is fine with them now, and even tells her baby sister (who is to little to actually care about the storms) that. It's cute, and it worked for me, and my babies.

  4. I could use help on this one to. My four year old is terrified of a storm. If it happens during the night, she usually just comes and crawls in the bed with us. I know this is not the best thing to do, but its all we have found that works.

  5. My parents used to tell me it was santa making toys or santa and the elves are having a game of bowling in the sky. LOL!!! funny... I don't remember how well t worked but... it's funny.

  6. i dont know if u are religious or not but i have a 3 year old and when it storms and hes scared i tell him jesus is turning his lights on and bowling

  7. You should maybe say that when it thunders the angles are bowling and when it is lighting they turned on a light.

  8. We tried everything.

    Finally after a trip to a science museum for kids that is hands-on my son learned a little bit about the science of lightening and thunder and he was no longer afraid.  This was about age 4.

    Now he is fascinated with weather and reads all kinds of kid friendly weather books and he is helping the little ones not be afraid of bad weather.

  9. I grew up loving thunderstorms, and still do.  My dad used to either sit in the garage with the door open, or on a covered porch or balcony and watch the storms.  We would count how many seconds between the lightning and thunder to tell how far away it was.  Or watch for lightning and try to guess where is might have touched down, or if the storm clouds made weird shapes.  Try to get them to enjoy when a storm is coming in.  Then, if one wakes them in the night, maybe they won't be upset by it.

  10. throw them outside when it rains

  11. My mom would tell me when it thundered that The Angels were Bowling! It relieved the fright of the noise at least a little!

  12. Make sure YOU are not freaking out when they happen, first of all.

    If you are keeping your cool, then they will LEARN to do it, also.  

    I used to take my kids out on the covered porch when it was thunderstorming... they were raised thinking they were great, because I always talked about the benefits of rain & the lightening, etc.

  13. you should try just sitting down with them and just getting close, letting them know it's going to be alright. maybe you could try to make up a story that goes along with the storm, or make a game out of it. like if the power goes out you get to make a fort and camp out in the (ex.) livingroom.

  14. get a book about thunder and lighting and let them know exactly what is going on up there   with my daughter we had a rain tape that had thunder on it and she fell asleep to it everynight and has never woke up during a storm unless the power goes out

  15. every child that I have been around that are scared of storms, the parents are that way as well, children feed off of you're behavior if you show them that the storms are not that big of a deal to you maybe it will help with they're fears as well.

  16. I tell my son that thunder is the Angels getting rowdy and knocking things over; rain is the Angels splashing around in the tub; lightning is the Angels turning heaven's lights on and off.

  17. you should make it as it is a game

  18. The next time you're expecting a thunderstorm, make popcorn and hot cocoa. Make it a "thunderstorm party" Sit at the window with them and mock the sounds. Or have the kids make loud silly noises to cover up the "scary noises."

           They'll remember it every time they hear a thunderstorm. If you make it a regular thing, They might even start to look forward to them!

            Good luck!

  19. I tell my 4 year old that thunder is God bowling, now when she hears it instead of being scared she comes to tell me that God must be having fun!

  20. I would let them keep a flashlight  or perhaps a battery operated touch light. by their bed.Talk to them about their fears and ask them what do they think will make them less afraid.They may surprise you with an answer that will actually help.

  21. I know my 3 year old is scared of them too. I just tell him it's OK and try to comfort him and this helps him when it thunders he yells back at it ,I tell him he is more scary than that mean old thunder.But not to worry they will grow out of it , I also have and 8 year old and now it doesn't bother him.He is more worried about it flooding (so he doesn't half to go to school)

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