
Ways to help son not lose/break glasses?

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My 8-year-old has broken his glasses once, lost them twice. He found them the first time he lost them but now I think they're gone for good. He's had them for less than 6 months. Any ideas on how to help him keep track of them? This could get very expensive.




  1. im 11 and  from age 2-10 i had glasses. maybe he's loosing them on purppose so he dosnt have to wear tham. give him somthing to be anxious about like tell him whens hes 12 or so he can get contacts. give him smthng to look forward too. (-=

  2. Make him do extra chores to help payoff the glasses. If  he has to do some not so fun chores he may keep a better eye on them. Does he have a glasses case at home and in his backpack and even in his desk? that is what I do for my oldest who only needs them for school etc. But she is also to bring them home every night because kids have stolen other kids glasses at school a couple times. I even put a note in her backpack that says glasses to help her remember at the end of the day when she is packing it up.

    And yes I have kids that wear glasses and would in a heart beat enforce this punishment, but have not had to yet. They are 7 and 9. And my 7 yr old has worn them since she was 1.5 (wears them all the time) and my oldest since age 5, but only for school.

    Did he get to pick out the glasses? We have always opted for the more expensive ones if that is what they pick. My husband was teased horribly as a kid about his glasses, so we will make due with less groceries for a week or two to offset the price of frames if need be. I also think the other answer was great about telling him if he doesnt loose them for a set amount of time he can go to contacts. Kids can be mean but neither of my kdis have ever been teased for wearing them, its so fashionable today, but I have girls it may be different for a boy. My husband said it changed his whole world when he got contact but he was in junior high.

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