
Ways to help sooth sore legs?

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i have really sore legs from running. it hurts to do anything, like walk, sit down, and go up and down staires. what are some ways to get ride of the soreness?




  1. You could take a warm bath, put a heating pad on your legs where they are the most sore, take some tylenol, drink a little wine... :)  Mainly just rest.

  2. I play basketball and I have the same problem.

    If you just starting to run, you'll probably have this problem for a few weeks.

    I use icy-hot patches on mine. They work really well for me.

  3. You can try to alternate ice and heat on them, but you obviously strained your muscles. Try to stretch more before running. Keep exercising lightly every day and eventually this soreness will go away as you become more fit.

    This happens to me also when I don't exercise for awhile and then jump into it and overdo it. I know I should start out slowly...

    Good Luck

  4. Rest

  5. Soak in a warm bath with epsom salts, which helps replace hydration to the muscles.

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