
Ways to help the environment?

by Guest63600  |  earlier

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wat r some ways to help the envirnment?????




  1. Now thats a general question.

    Take a look at your life, then do some surfing. Start with 2 websites, Yahoo Green ( and Treehugger (

    Don't get overwhelmed. Its the simple stuff that can make an immediate difference. Changing your light bulbs to CFL's, changing your thermostat (a few degrees does make a huge difference), eating non-processed foods (no more fast food), and recycling makes a huge environmental difference. Hey, its a great place to start!

  2. From anywhere you can start. Water, Air...

    - Do not make pollution, be careful about it.

    - Try to use recycle things.

    - Save water, use water saving shower head at your place..

    There are more ideas on this blog.


  3. Call me a cynic, but I don't think that replacing incandescent bulbs with CFLs and replacing your Land Rover with a Prius will fix the environment, or even help it in the long run. Leave aside complaints that CFLs contain mercury, that manufacturing a Prius produces more pollutants than driving that SUV for years, etc. (New products, even "green" ones, still require new materials and energy to produce.)

    Instead, we need to think about deeper issues than green products. Why do we think we can buy our way to a healthy environment? Because it's political suicide to argue something different. Politicians (yes, even Obama) want to improve lives through increased economic productivity.

    Unfortunately, an economy founded on capitalist principles leads not only to unjust work conditions but also to shrinking environmental reserves. One way to address environmental problems in the long term is to address the deeper issues inherent in capitalist economics and invent a new economy that is simultaneously more just and more responsive to environmental change.

    But we don't have to destroy capitalism today. We can start more simply, by replacing our drive to consume with the desire to live more simply and expect less. Deal with the short term consequences of a dramatically shifting economy and think seriously about 1) using materials in such a way that we can eventually produce no waste; 2) rely completely on renewable energy.

    Anyway, that's my view.

  4. - Do not make pollution, be careful about it.

    - Try to use recycle things.

    -No fast food.

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