
Ways to induce labor, if some are limited! Plz help?

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Ive already tried walking, raspberry ice tea, spicy foods, more walking! I cant do s*x im not married so that one i cant do. Ive been 3cm now for about 6 weeks, and things like pineapple wont work because they soften your cervix, and im already 80% effaced, I figured my body was ready to go into labor, ive been pooping all the time! and i have BH contractions about every 20 mins. I just need a way to help them move along. They arent yet painful they just get really tight, ive also had a sharp pain down there whenever i walk, and sometimes i will like "tweak" and really hurt. Does anyone know any home remedies that help contractions get worse and regular?




  1. I'll tell you what worked for me and my sister - is castor oil... People SAY it's bad or whatever for the baby but my ob had no problems with me taking it AND neither me or my sister had ANY problems. .

    If you are not dilated or effaced or anything than it wont work at all. That's what happened when I tried it with my 1st born. My body wasn't ready and so it didn't work. My body never "got ready" so I was induced with him.

    I know how aboslutely nasty castor oil tastes but if you want the baby out bad enough - take a few gulps. *gag* :o/

    Follow it with a couple more an hour or two later. Everyoen is different so different people need different doses. so take as little as you want and if nothing happens then you need more. It took a lot for me and only 2 tablespoons for my sister.

    Best of luck!!!

    PS I tried EVERYTHING - raspberry teas, blue/black co. , s*x, walking, egg plant, etc and nothing worked except castor oil.

  2. Nipple stimulation with a breast pump will work if anything will. Just keep in mind that sometimes nothing works but the passing of time. How many weeks are you?

    Birth blessings.

  3. Keep up the walking and also m********e causing multiple orgasms (the more the better) and nipple stimulation.  All of those should help with the contractions.  

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