
Ways to inprove environment in school?

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i was looking at ways to inprove environment in school such as recycling etc, suggestions pls




  1. Convince everyone you can to join Green Peace for REAL change in pollution laws.  Don't recycle milliionaires metals and papers.  You only keep them rich using your slave labor and all they want to do is to continue to use throw away containers.  We can all combine force and stop polluters or we can cuddle up like worms and obey them until our planet is no more.

  2. Recycling is a great idea!  Especially paper.  Inform teachers that we don't need all that paper stuff sent home!  using the internet for homework assignments is good.  Maybe some "spider plants" to help clean the air?  Form a club to come up with ideas and implement them.  You're on a great track.

  3. yes teach them how and where they should depose hazardous  material the children help remind parents.

  4. Have your child bring home their lunch bags to make sure you dispose of them properly. Look inside any trash can at school, lots of recycle inside

  5. Recycle a Green Peace member.

  6. take all the paper people are thowing out that still has one good side bind it into books and resell to the school to profit a charity or some sort of insider school thing!

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