
Ways to learn ABC'S?

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My lil brother is having some problems to learn the ABC's. I need some kinds of songs for him to start. If someone can help me that would be great.




  1. Many children's books now come with a CD

  2. well the way i learned was old fashion, my mother taught me , and it stuck with me, A-Your Adorable, B-Your so beautiful, C- your a cutie full of charms, D- your a darling, E your exciting, and F your a feather in my arms, G- you look good to me, H- your so heavely- I your the one who i Idolize, J were like jack and jill, K were so kissable, and L your the love like in my eyes, Mnop I can go on all day, its fun to wonder through the aphabet with you to tell you what you mean each day, and repeat it and repeat and sing the song to him each day, He will get it

  3. Try Leapfrog's Alphabet video.  I love it because it not only does letter recognition, but phonetic sound as well.

    Then get him the Leapfrog refrigerator magnets.  The best alphabet toy out there.

    Also try:

    Good Luck

  4. a is for apple (crunch! crunch!)

    b is for bat & ball ( can pretent to swing at a ball)

    c is for caterpillar climbing up the wall!

    d is for dinosuar ( eyes big like WOW!)

    e is for elephant

    f is for flower what a pretty smell!

    g is for grapes

    h is for holiday

    i is for igloo

    j is for jack in the box

    k is for kite

    l is lion

    m is for monkey ( scratch under arms like a monkey)

    n is for nest ( round arms in the shape of a birds nest)

    o is for octopus wiggley in the water!

    p is for paaret ( put fingers like a  birds beak)

    q is for queen

    r is for rabbit hoppin on the green!

    s is for snake (hiss and squirm like a snake)

    t is for turtle

    u is for umbrella

    v is for vulcher

    w is for wagon

    x is for x-ray

    y is for yo-yo

    z is for zipper

    sing w/him every day  will know it in on time!! I have an son in kindergarten. Hopes this helps!!!

  5. The old stand by-- BLOCKS--, they work and try singing the ABC song to him.  

    It goes== ABCDEFG, HIJKLMNOP, QRS (AND) TUV, WXY (AND) Z.   Now I know my ABC'S, next I'll learn my 123's.== I have been singing that song to ALL of my grandkids for well, let's just say a few years.

  6. I'm not sure of the best song...but I do know that the ABC song has the same tune as "Twinkle, Twinkle , little star.." and usually during this learning process toddlers are taught the twinkle song, which then makes it easier to learn the ABC

  7. How old is your brother?  I have had different ideas work with different ages.

    Also, a great book to get him interested in it is "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom."

  8. Try this book:

    Chicka, Chicka, Boom Boom - by Bill Marin Jr. & John Archembault

    Try this video tape:

    Richard Scarey ABC's

    *One other point....Do your bro a favor and no matter what you choose, make the time that you work on this "together" time. Make sure lot's of hugs & cuddling go on as you read the stories/watch tapes/computer time...or whatever. You really want him to connect the idea of a cozy & good feeling w/ reading and learning at home. It will definitely help to stimulate his interest in reading and learning AND it will also make your relationship stronger too :) It is a HUGE mistake to just set a child down in front of a learning tool and leave them alone...that technique will just encourage the feeling of learning & isolation....

  9. Make flash cards with pretty colors on it!!

  10. Rhyming will help a lot!

    Look up nursery rhymes and read lots of books together.

    It also helps for kids to form the letters with playdough. Try making letters out of playdough.

    Pick a "Letter of the Day" and both of you point out all the As or Fs that you see all day.

    Make words on pages with ABC stamps, if printing is still hard for him.

    Try books and songs with alliteration:  

    "An Alligator always asks Annie annoyingly" or

    "Thomas Tutu tries terrible tricks to terrify Terry Timid".

  11. heres a  song..i made this up!

    (it goes to farmer n the dell)

    A is for a apple pie

    B is for big bear

    C is for Don't weep cry cry cry.

    D is for ......


  12. If it iis a young child than you should maybe get the child a toy that sing and if the child plays withit often than they should have thier abc's down in no time! ( this is the way my cuz learned em)

  13. if  you need help, I am there. just make him remember 1 2 3

    and let him understand strigh line and other type of lineand suddenly he will get it a b c d e f g .......
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