
Ways to lighten your hair without dying it???

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Ok so i'm naturally a bleach blonde like almost platinum but I dyed it in early June to be this weird redish purple brown (yea I know it's complicated). now it's taking foreeeever to grow out. So I heard something about lemon juice will make your hair lighter or something but I just want my hair back to it's natural color soon without stripping it. Any tips?




  1. lemon juice,bleach,peroxide,chlorine,

  2. g0 out in the sun a lot. theres no other way to do it except dye it.

    help meee?;... Thanks!

  3. My moms a hairstylist so....

    She says lemon juice works great but go in the sun alot then.

    She also says use sun in. I use it on my hair alot in the summer and it works very well.

  4. wash your hair alot and get lots of sun, lemon juice will work but it doesnt stay that long!!!  wash it more than nessary!!

    hope that i helped!!

  5. Lemon juice will bleach it like peroxide, but in a more natural way. Sit out in the sun a lot with the lemon juice and it will slowly get lighter.

    You should just try to get a color remover to remove the color from your hair.

  6. Hang outside!!

  7. some may say lemon juice works but my hair stylist that it will dry your hair out and it is not good for your scalp. so what i used that i discovered is the best way is to use beer and it works even better than lemon juice.  well hope this helps and good luck

  8. Hon I'm a "dirty" blonde who hasn't had much luck with lemon juice in the past.   But I work outdoors, and by the end of summer I'm flaxen.

    My daughter's a natural light blonde who wanted to grow out her red dye job, so she had blonde highlights added.   Each time she went to her stylist, she got a few more.    She has really long hair, and now she's pretty much back to her natural color; maybe this would work for you, since it doesn't involve allover treatment, and it was gradual.   Good luck!

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