
Ways to look slimmer...?

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I'm overweight and I want to look slimmer. I just started a new way of life with exercising and eating better, so I haven't lost any weight yet, but I want to look slimmer. What are some things I can try to look slimmer? I like to wear loose fitting clothes because I don't feel terrible in those as opposed to fitting clothes. But at work, I have to wear a fitted shirt and I feel horrible all day and just about everyday, I don't even want to go to work in the morning because of how horrible I feel and look. Can anyone help? To make myself even feel slimmer, I wear an underarmour and a weight belt to hold in my belly but I still feel horrible. Any advice to look slimmer?




  1. I think you should really watch that tv show, what not to wear. That show is about transformations and it's on the TLC channel. You can try looking on their website if you can't find it on tv.

  2. with the exercising try doing aerobics it will get your heart rate up and get you to loose inches faster. Also for a special occasion jog wearing a plasctic bag on. It will make you shed all your water weight for about 2 days (max). I know this because my friend use to do this when she was overweight and about to have a boxing match. She would loose about 2-3 pounds instantly!  

  3. 1. wear the color black. the color makes things seem smaller and slimmer.

    2. clothing that has vertical stripes. horizontal makes you look wide, vertical makes you look slim

    3. don't wear baggy clothing. it just makes you look bigger.

    You should learn to love you're body. Every body type is beautiful. People are different so you shouldn't feel bad about how your body is. be confident.  

  4. try to find another job and change your life around completely. maybe itll help if everything is fresh and new

  5. try wearing a belt around your waistline. some people look stupid doing this but if you find the right belt it will work.

  6. verticle stripes make you look slimmer, and taller, stay away from polka dots, and horizontal stripes, and wear like a sophistacated black, look at the link itll help alot :D

  7. where black or dark colors with accents of bright colors.. black (in a non goth, depressing way) can be really slimming

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