
Ways to make it look like im drinking?!? haha ?

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well i have drank before but i am going to my dads house and he thinks im an angel so how can i kinda show him that im and my friend were thinkin put a smirnoff sticker on my purse..sound dumb??




  1. Putting a Smirnoff sticker on your purse won't do anything.

    Want to show him that you're not the angel he thinks you are? Toss back a few shots of Jager or Maker's Mark (which are some of my personal favorites).

    Or, if you don't enjoy drinking, don't do it. You don't have to prove anything to anybody. I drink like a fish, but only because I enjoy it, and it definitely isn't for everybody. Don't let anybody pressure you into doing anything you aren't comfortable with, and don't put on a show for anybody. Just be yourself - he IS your dad after all. I doubt he'll think any less of you because you don't drink.

  2. ok thats kinda wierd i dont know why your doing this to him. but why not just pull out an actual bottle of smirnoff at the dinner table and drink or in front of him or come to dinner drunk. if your going to do something you may as well do it right

  3. sounds dumb...   why would you want to do that anyways?

    that rebellion against parents is so old,   too mainstream to act like that.

  4. The best way is to be honest that you don't drink. What's the point of being part of the alcoholic mainstream?? If you really want to pretend like you're drinking than just have a drink in your hand that could contain alcohol (margarita glass or martini glass).

  5. Yeah, it sounds dumb, he either won't notice it (he's a man after all), or he'll make you take it off and give you a big lecture about alcohol and responsibility.  Not exactly my idea of a fun weekend.

    My vote is, get pregnant.  That will get the message across loud and clear.

  6. Do you really expect a little sticker on your handbag to prove anything?

    Why do you want your father to think you aren't an angel? As another YA member said, the rebellious teen thing is old and usually seen as idiotic.

    If you really want to prove you aren't an angel anymore, why don't you show up drunk with a case of beer wearing a mini skirt, high heels, a revealing top and talk about all the things you've done with guys?

    Seriously now, don't be a jackass.

    Grow up. And when I say grow up, I don't mean try to act rebellious or hardcore.

  7. Why do you want your dad to think that you are not an angel anymore? Usually that is a good thing (whether you are or not) and that helps you get what you want from him.  I think the sticker thing is dumb, and do not understand the point.

  8. Do you mean as a joke? If you're serious, don't go there.

  9. are you trying to hurt him. all dads want to think their daughters are angels why lie.

    besides you dont sound angelic to me maybe just be your self then he'll know your not a angel

  10. Thats terrible.  It hurts parents to see their daughters behaving this way.  No one lives forever, and mabye it's best he goes thinking your a good daughter with morals.  Not a drunk.

    You sound like quite the loser to me, and you need something else to do with your time.   Sound Dumb?  Yes.

  11. i actually didnt really understand your want to make it look like you are drinking...but then you dont want your dad to know that you do? but then you say something about putting a smirnoff sticker on your purse? hmm..i dont really get it..anyways:

    if you want to drink there, but dont want him to know:

    mix it into juice or cant tell as long as you dont get drunk and as long as he cant smell it from your cup or from your mouth!

    or maybe you meant: you go to a party...but dont want to drink, but dont want to make it obvious that you arent actually drinking:

    use apple juice in a cup for beer

    choose water in a cup add a slice of lime, people will think its gin and tonic, or some other comination

    even just coke at a party will be assumed that its actually rum & coke or jd & coke

    i wouldnt put a smirnoff sticker on my purse though...

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